Jonathan Pearson

  • Today You Will…

    …finally have that conversation you’ve been needing to have. …take the time to be in the moment. …notice sights and sounds that you usually ignore. …give your full effort because you know it’s the right thing. …tell those people you love them and quit assuming they already know it. …forgive what you once thought…

  • iOS Apps for A New Year

    This isn’t an iPhone or iOS blog, but I thought I’d highlight just a few apps that I use that I thought would be useful to you in 2012. This may help you actually complete some of those New Year resolutions. :) Many of these are free or just a couple of dollars (links…

  • Anticipating 2012

    As I head in to 2012, one word keeps coming into my mind… Anticipation. I’m anticipating… God to seem more present in my life than ever before. God allowing me to reap what I’ve sown. God doing more than I could have ever asked for or imagined. God giving me opportunities to impact the world around…

  • 8 on 8’s – NEW YEAR

    This is a repost from last year. I Think we need to return to this question…

  • Unity in Grace

    For the church, unity means putting aside what we could argue forever about and coming together in a concentrated effort against Satan… Coming together to reach people with the world’s most specialized, urgent, and high-risk mission – reaching the world for Jesus Christ. Unity flows from grace, not doctrine. If you and I are…

  • Merry Christmas!

    I’m so appreciative of all of you that make this blog a part of your daily faith and life. I’m honored to have you as a part of this community. Merry Christmas from Jonathan & Melissa Pearson!