Last night, I gave the youth 7 reasons why Christ deserves our attention: He’s always existed He created everything we see, hear, and are He gives life He’ll never be defeated Other people witnessed Him and believe in Him He allows us personal relationship with God He loves us John 1:1-14
What matters to you? What are the things that you use to base your decisions? What motivates the actions of your life? I’ve found in my short time in ministry, it’s easy for people to forget what really matters. It’s easy for us to get caught up in things that really have no bearing…
One of the most important things that can be revealed to a Christian is their individual purpose in life. After finding our purpose, it motivates us and strengthens us to see it accomplished. What often happens, however, is that other things begin to cloud our view of the purpose that God has called us to.…
All I Want for Christmas from NewSpring Media on Vimeo. And to think, for years people have thought church had to be boring, dull, and full of untalented people trying to look good in front of other people. The most amazing things should be seen within the walls of the church!
I pay attention to detail. That’s just the way I am and I don’t apologize for it. Attention to detail is important to me because I think it shows how much we really care. I’ve seen great ideas, but the lack of attention to detail made it less effective. I’ve also seen things that…
Here’s the short and sweet version: Graduation lunch. She made me take off my hat. Got mad. Had cheesecake and felt better. Spent time with my bride to be Saturday afternoon. Loved this watch (Hint: Melissa)! Dinner at the local seafood restaurant. Ate way too much. Christmas lights at James Island. Graduation. Walked up…