Jonathan Pearson

  • Keep Pressing On

    One of my favorite passages of scripture is Philippians 3:14. I hope these thoughts encourage you today no matter where you are… When it seems as if you are making no progress, keep pressing on. When it seems that your love isn’t being returned, keep pressing on. When it feels like there’s no hope…

  • From Here To There

    “I have to be faithful in my current position to accomplish my God-given vision.” I wrote this down in my quiet time journal last week. God continues to teach me about where I am and where I’m going. I think one of the tempatations that we all face is looking forward to what we…

  • Lift Up Jesus

    God has been reminding lately that He wants to be lifted up. You may be saying, “duh,” but I don’t think I have ever before realized to what extent this goes. God wants to be the center of everything I do. From my ministry work to my life at home, God wants to be…

  • A Coaching Legend?

    I’m not an NFL expert by any means. I am really loyal to the Carolina Panthers and that’s about it. However, I am a sports fan and watch other football whenever I can. For the past few years, I have become aware of a head coach in the NFL that really understands the concept…

  • Quote For Thought

    Ron Edmondson had this quote Thursday on Twitter: “Faith is not the absence of fear, but it’s acting by faith in spite of fear.”Wow! When is the last time you ever thought that the way you REACTED to fear was a demonstration of your faith?

  • Quick Hits

    First off, what do you think of my new look? A lot different from the last one, but it looks good! One of the cool things about it is the links at the top will take you to a lot of different places, so click around!  On to what I really wanted to say……