I used to try my best to make people happy… Never make anyone mad. Then, I came to my senses and realized… It’ll never happen. At least, if I’m doing what I should be doing. No matter who we look at over the course of history, anyone that did anything significant caused people to…
Last week Melissa and I went on our first cruise together. It was by far the best vacation we’ve had together. Where’d you take your best vacation?
Almost Isn’t Good Enough compiles Wayne Elsey’s thoughts on leadership, non-profits, and impacting the world. For those of you not familiar with Wayne, he is the founder and CEO of Soles4Souls, a non-profit organization dedicated to putting shoes on the feet of people that know nothing other than walking barefoot. Soles4Souls began as a…
I love fried food….too much. When Melissa and I got a fryer a couple of Christmas’s ago, we immediately began to fry EVERYTHING. After a week or two, we started to think about how easy it is to fry something instead of cooking it the right way and the healthy way. In leadership, we…
So many people in the world today allow past “stuff” to effect their present progress and their future potential. And so, they’re stuck in the muck of a past mistake or a past hurt or a past broken relationship. God has so much more planned for us. In fact, that’s what He’s all about……