3 Twitter Twules

As I make my way through my twitter stream and as I send out tweets myself, I’ve come to realize that there are some unwritten rules to twittering. These rules won’t get your account suspended or cause people to necessarily unfollow you, but they will help you make better connections with people.

1. Don’t be a quote bot.

A quote here and there is fine, but seriously, don’t just pump out quotes all day, everyday. If the people that follow you really wanted a list of quotes everyday, they’d google “great famous quotes”, not follow you on twitter. Quotes keep you from really connecting. People never learn who you really are, just that you can copy and paste. If you’re really into quotes, create an account and make it obvious your on twitter to post quotes.

2. Avoid broad statements.

You probably don’t know everyone in your following list personally or well. Don’t make broad statements that are going to cause people to fall or stumble. I know we can’t tell people how to take what we say, but we can guard against it a little. Remember, tweets must be short, but also precise.

3. Connect before pimping.

If you’re asking me to push your book, service, or blog but you’ve never even @ replied me, I’m probably not going to do it. Sure, certain people can get away with it. Some have that platform, but most of us don’t. That’s why it’s important to really connect with your followers. If you’re really connected, they’ll push your stuff because they believe in you.

What did I miss? Any other Twitter Twules?

27 responses to “3 Twitter Twules”

  1. dustin Avatar
  2. Matthew Snider Avatar
  3. Michael Avatar
    1. Jason Vana Avatar
      1. Adam Avatar
    2. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    3. Bryan Thompson Avatar
  4. Jason Vana Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. april Avatar
  6. ThatGuyKC Avatar
  7. Adam Avatar
  8. Kyle Reed Avatar
    1. Michael Avatar
      1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    2. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  9. Daniel Burke Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  10. Ivey Rhodes Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  11. Krissi Avatar
  12. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar
  13. Joey Espinosa Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  14. Francesca Macdonald Avatar
    Francesca Macdonald

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