My Struggle & A Reminder About Yours

I believe people are valuable.

I believe that everyone on planet earth as intricate value. We are created by God and loved dearly by him.

I believe in the power of grace. I believe God gives people 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 600th chances.

I believe God works in the lives of his people. He is intimately involved in the lives of his people. He does big things and little things in powerful ways. All because he loves his children.

I believe God is patient. That he works in and through people to accomplish a grand plan for the world.

The problem?

I struggle to believe this for myself. Often times, I find myself struggling to believe I deserve what I believe everyone else receives. For some reason, there is a gap between what I believe for others and what I often believe for myself.

The truth?

I’m not the only one. I talk to people almost daily who struggle with this as well. They know their past. They know their thoughts. They know what they think they deserve.

What’s the point of this?

A reminder that all of God’s promises are for YOU too!

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