You Can Be A Child, No Matter How Old You Are

John 1:12-13 (NIV) Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. 

We’re adults. We’re supposed to act like one, right? We’re supposed to have the answers. We’re supposed to have things figured out.

We’re adults. We shouldn’t be fearful. We shouldn’t admit we don’t have it figured out. We shouldn’t be vulnerable.

Somewhere along the line, many of us buy those lies. It’s almost like we reach this point where we have to have all of the answers all of the time. Times when chaos ensues, grief strikes, or financial hardship comes, we find it hard to juggle the lie of “I have to have it under control,” and how we really feel.

Let me remove some of the weight of those lies…

According to John 1:12-13 (and other verses in scripture), you and I never get to a place where we are no longer a child. We never mature to this point of being an “Adult of God.” What does that mean? That means we never have to have it all figured out. We can come to God as his child… vulnerable, humble, without answers.

I want to feel like a child again. Not that I’m immature. Not that I make childish mistakes. I want to feel like a child again… dependent on my Heavenly Father. Hanging on his word, seeking advice, and walking with him step by step.

I want to be a child. Full of wonder, questions, and dependence.

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