Every good sitcom has good transition music to get from one scene to another. Every good baseball player has walk up music for when they’re on their way to the plate. Every good movie has a great soundtrack.
Music sets a tone in our lives.
Think back to your wedding. Your prom. Your kid’s birth. Your first date.
There are certain songs that take you back to that time. Maybe it played while one of those life changing moments happened or maybe it was just a popular song of the time. Every time you hear it, though, you go back to that place. For me, I can not here this album without thinking about driving back and forth to the hospital while my son spent his first few weeks in the NICU.
Music sets a mood in our lives.
Have you ever been watching a movie and can guess what’s about to happen by the mood of the soundtrack? The music swells and you know the kiss is about to happen. You hear a certain sound and you know something is about to jump out and scare you. It’s great in movies, but it’s not good in real life. Too often, though, I think we play a soundtrack in our minds and try to predict life based off of it. Here’s what I mean…
Things seem to be going bad in your marriage and instead of changing the soundtrack in your mind, you lean into it and continue to push away.
A host of things have been going wrong in your finances and you’re getting depressed. Instead of changing the soundtrack in your mind and believing they’ll turn around, you turn the music up and expect it to continue to crumble.
You’ve been diagnosed with the same thing someone you know was. It didn’t turn out well for them. Instead of fighting to change the soundtrack and believing God for the best, you turn up the music and give up the fight.
You may not always be able to change the scene of your life, but you can change the soundtrack.
I’m not advocating a “think positive” and good energy will come kind of thing. I’m advocating faith over circumstances. Positive over negative. Fight rather than throwing in the towel. That’s what faith looks like. It doesn’t deny what’s happening, but it looks at it from a different track.
So, what’s playing in your life’s soundtrack right now? You control the volume.
[bctt tweet=”You may not always be able 2 change the scene of your life, but u can change the soundtrack.” username=”jonathanpearson”]
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