Because I don’t believe in doing anything just because, I started thinking about my reason for using social media.
The reason I…
Respond to tweets.
Spend valuable time on this blog.
Respond to comments and promote conversation on this blog.
Take the time to send pictures to my Posterous.
Check my Facebook regularly.
While some of the answer I came up with is, “Because I enjoy it,” I think this diagram (my artwork, not meant to be pleasing to the eye) really shows why I do all those things.
It’s not a perfect plan.
It doesn’t communicate how I accomplish it,
but it does lay out what I’m seeking to accomplish.
Ultimately, it’s about influence for me.
Not me being able to push people around and sell them on MY ideas, but me being able to IMPACT people in new ways.
In order to impact people, I must first connect with them, involve them in conversation, and build confidence with them.
People must trust me before I can impact them the way I want.
It’s one way I’m trying to…
turn the world UPSIDE down.
Why do you use social media? What’s the end goal?
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