I just finished Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick. Here are some of the things I highlighted as I read…
Accomplishing the impossible is all about seeing the invisible (pg. 23).
But audacious vision never cowers in the darkness. The darker it gets, the brighter our faith can shine. Audacious faith takes Jesus at his word. We are the light of the world: we cannot be hidden – and we have no reason to hide (pg. 26).
When you strip the biblical miracles of their spectacular special effects, a common plot point emerges: extraordinary moves of God begin with ordinary acts of obedience (pg.38).
The goal of faith isn’t to take away your fears but to leverage those fears to create bolder belief. Faith leads you past your fears and reassure you of God’s presence (pg. 56).
You will pay a tremendous price to operate in an audacious anointing. And the level of your impact will be directly proportional to the price you are willing to pay (pg. 68).
The God of the Bible can do whatever he pleases. And what pleases him is to show off his power for his glory and renown. So give him the opportunity. Dream God-worthy dreams. Pray faith-fueled prayers. live a life that can be explained only by the existence of a God who is infinitely great (pg. 84).
I’ve noticed that most of us don’t have a hard time believing that God’s grace is real-we just have a hard time believing that it’s really available to us (pg.108).
Where there is no opposition, there is no opportunity (pg. 119).
Prayer is the arena where our faith meets God’s abilities. And there is never going to be a moment when the audacity of our faith surpasses God’s capacity to respond (pg. 130).
Too many people forget the promise and forfeit the payoff because they faint in the process (pg. 165).
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