The greatest threat facing the local church isn’t from any outside source, but rather the sheer apathy of those inside the church.
I’ve made this statement several times over the last few days.
I really believe that churches today are filled with people just going through the motions of church and the Christian life.
Some of us have been raised in church, we know it as “the right thing to do,” but have quit believing that it can have any real impact on us or the world.
Others have been sitting in churches so long, that they’ve lost their desire to be sold out to the cause.
The result?
We’ve made church about something we attend rather than something we are.
We’ve made church about surviving rather than thriving.
We’ve made church about maintaining ground rather than conquering ground for Christ.
The stakes are high for the church.
Life and death are truly at stake.
Our spiritual growth and effectiveness are hanging in the balance.
We can’t continue to let apathy be our reason for decline.
We must make new ground.
We must be willing to adapt and blaze new trails.
Don’t let apathy overcome effectiveness.
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