When I was a kid, I loved to eat.
Even more than I do now.
My parents had no problem with me eating (I was a big boy), but they didn’t like me eating at certain times.
One of those “no eat” times was before dinner.
Starting about an hour before dinner, I wasn’t supposed to eat anything.
Every now and then, I’d still try to sneak something out of the kitchen to eat while I was sitting on the couch.
When Mom or Dad would walk into the room, I’d stick whatever I had between the seat cushions.
The wrappers from whatever I was eating would go down there too.
I knew I was doing something wrong, so I tried my best to hide it.
I did a great job, for a little while.
Until the remote or something would get under the couch and my Dad would have to lean the couch over to get it.
Or until the food and the wrappers began to stink enough to become noticeable.
My point…
Some people are still sticking stuff in the couch cushions.
You have that secret,
that thing that know one knows,
that thing that would change others’ opinion of you if they found out.
You have that thing that you’re hiding from everyone:
Your kids, your parents, your spouse, your family, your friends.
You’ve tucked it down in the cushion for so long, sometimes you even forget that it’s down there.
You’ve been doing it so long, it doesn’t even feel that wrong any more…but you still hide it.
The only way that you’re ever going to quit or get out is with the help of someone that loves you.
Lean the couch over.
Confess your sin to God.
Confess your sin to someone you trust that can help you work through it.
As I learned as a child, only so much can be stuffed in the cushions before it starts becoming noticeable.
Let God clean up the mess.
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