I dove head first into Twitter a few months ago.
Since then, I’ve really gained an appreciation for the opportunities that social media provides.
Here are the top 5 reasons why I give my time to Twitter…
1. I’m able to impact the lives of people I would have never been able to meet without it.
Twitter has allowed me to have conversations with, email correspondance with, and phone conversations with people that are all around the world. Without Twitter, I would have never been able to give these people an encouraging word or open their curiosity to Christ.
2. I’m impacted by people that I would have never have had a chance to meet without Twitter.
The things that I learn and the insights that I gain while reading through my Twitter stream are inspiring, educational, and thought provoking. I can honestly say that I’ve learned more on Twitter than in some seminary classes. :)
3. It teaches me to write and think with clarity.
When you’re limited to 140 characters in a statement, you have to be brief and clear. The person reading my tweet probably has never met me and has no idea how I think or what I’m like. I have to be crystal clear when tweeting so I’m not misunderstood. It’s helped me think and speak clearly consistently.
4. Connecting with people helps me think through things.
Sometimes, I have to talk my way through thoughts and ideas. I’ve tweeted a brief thought and been able to get a better picture of the throught through the discussion it’s caused on Twitter.
5. The relationships I form.
I’ve met some great people on Twitter. These are people that, 5 years ago, I would have never been able to know. In fact, I sometimes begin to feel like I actually know some of the people I follow.
So, why do you tweet?
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