This post may be completely for me.
In fact, you may be able to stop reading and move to your next thing in a few lines.
If you ever don’t feel like going to church, spending alone time with God, serving others, or praying, keep reading.
You see, I’ve noticed something.
It seems like no matter how much I grow in my relationship with God, sometimes I just don’t feel like doing the things it takes to make it further.
Sometimes, I wake up and don’t feel like spending time with God.
Sometimes, my prayer time is more of a forced effort than open communication with God.
Sometimes, the bed feels good on Sunday mornings.
A few days ago, I woke up in a terrible mood.
I had an awful headache and felt like I had been beaten up during the night (I asked Melissa and she said it wasn’t her).
I had to literally fight myself to spend time with God that morning.
That afternoon, I was thinking about the situation and came to these thoughts…
What to do when you don’t feel like doing…
1. Pray: Ask God to change your attitude. If you have a growing relationship with Christ, you aren’t looking to quit loving Him, you’re just having trouble spending time with Him. That’s an attitude problem. Pray for Him to change it.
2. Begin journaling what you’re feeling: Write down why you feel in a funk. Put your feelings on paper.
3. Begin reading a favorite scripture: One of my favorite passages of scripture is Philippians 3:12-14. Reading that always gets me motivated.
4. Praise God for His past faithfulness: Something happens during genuine praise…you become less important and He becomes everything.
5. Change your routine: Pick up a different Bible translation. Pick a new place to spend time with God. Drive a different route to church. Pray for people you’ve never prayed for.
What not to do when you don’t feel like doing…
1. Give up and not do.
2. Keep doing what you’ve always done.
3. Make excuses.
4. Beat up on yourself for feeling unspiritual.
So, am I alone in this.
Do you ever just not feel like doing?
What have you found that helps?
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