Tag: upside down

  • How to Make Your Life Count… Beyond Your SS#

    I talk a lot about “turning the world UPSIDE down.” It’s something that I believe in. It’s something that I truly believe God has called us to do. It’s something that seems so irrational and bold, but really only requires us living out the life God’s called us to. It requires God living through us.…

  • The Rocky Path


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    When I was still living at home, my parents decided to remodel their kitchen. They decided that they really liked tile floors and called the tile man. I still remember how careful the tile guy was to be sure that he was laying the tile on a smooth surface. Every few minutes, I’d see him…

  • My Confession… & Yours


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    We all have at least one. We rarely talk about them. We spend the majority of our time trying to hide them from others that have the same one. Insecurities. What I’m insecure about may not be what you’re insecure about. What I’m insecure about in myself may never be noticed by you. But we…

  • You’re Not Excused


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    It seems we live in a world that loves to make excuses. We make excuses for everything. Instead of taking responsibility for our own actions, we pass the blame off on someone else. Instead of confessing to a mess up, we make up a reason things went wrong. WRONG! We have to take responsibility for…

  • You Can’t Fry Everything


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    I love fried food….too much. When Melissa and I got a fryer a couple of Christmas’s ago, we immediately began to fry EVERYTHING. After a week or two, we started to think about how easy it is to fry something instead of cooking it the right way and the healthy way. In leadership, we can’t…

  • Movin’ On


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    So many people in the world today allow past “stuff” to effect their present progress and their future potential. And so, they’re stuck in the muck of a past mistake or a past hurt or a past broken relationship. God has so much more planned for us. In fact, that’s what He’s all about… forgiveness…

  • Feelin Around In The Dark


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    A few nights ago I had trouble going to sleep. After an hour of tossing and turning, I decided just to get up for a few minutes and try again later. Like every person awake well after their bedtime, I decided I needed something to eat. So, I grabbed the bag of M&M’s on the…

  • Turning People UPSIDE Down

    The goal of God. The goal of Jesus. The goal of Paul. The goal of Peter. The goal of our early church fathers. The goal of your local church. The goal of you. Is to see old and dead people become new and alive. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is…

  • UPSIDE Down: reversed in position


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    According to Webster Dictionary, upside down means : in such a way that the upper and the lower parts are reversed in position Basically it means the reverse of what’s normal. If we’re going to be people that really turn the world upside down as Paul did in Acts, we’re gonna have to go against…

  • 3 Elements to Turn the World UPSIDE Down

    If you missed yesterday’s post and would like to catch it, you can read it here. If we’re going to be people that actually turn the world upside down and make a significant impact, we MUST be willing to do these 3 things… 1. Be with Him. We must be willing to spend time with…