Tag: salvation

  • LEGALISM: My Recovery From This Addiction


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    I don’t know when it started, I just remember when God spoke directly to me and told me it was wrong. You see, I’m a recovering legalist. There was a time in my life when I used to think it was up to me to do all the right things. To have more check marks…

  • Turning People UPSIDE Down

    The goal of God. The goal of Jesus. The goal of Paul. The goal of Peter. The goal of our early church fathers. The goal of your local church. The goal of you. Is to see old and dead people become new and alive. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is…

  • A Baby Changes Everything

    I’m not a parent yet, but I’ve heard the stories of how a newborn baby completely changes their parents’ lives as soon as they’re born. The parents’ priorities change, their time schedules change, their budgets change, their focus changes. All of a sudden they have the responsibility of a human life other than their own.…

  • The Wishbone Principle


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    It happens to all of us from time to time. Some may see it as what it is, others may be a little more naive. It may be the work of the enemy, it may be the work of the flesh. It’s that thing that tries it’s best to pull us from God. I’ve always…

  • You May Be Religious If…

    You May Be Religious If…

    1. You spend more time defending a doctrine than sharing Christ. 2. You confront people about using YouVersion in church. 3. You see church as something you do and go to rather than something you are. 4. You get angrier when you hear a cuss word than when you see someone hurting. 5. You find…

  • Jesus Ain’t My Homeboy

    Jesus Ain’t My Homeboy


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    When I was growing up, I always had a lot of friends. Some of these friends were really close. They were the ones that I spent most of my time with and loved being around. Some of these friends were more casual. They were the ones that I saw at school and occasionally hung out…

  • Spiritual Anorexia


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    For as long as I can remember, I’ve battled a weight problem. As a 10 year old boy, I can remember knowing that I wasn’t happy with the way I looked and felt. In fact, I can distinctly remember thinking time and time again as I looked in the mirror, “I don’t feel like a…

  • 3 Experiences God Wants You to Have

    The fact that God has mercy on us to keep us alive is amazing enough. The fact that God desires the best for us is the icing on the cake. The way that He works with us to glorify Himself and allow us to experience joy is simply astounding. Here are 3 things that God…

  • Come On Now


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    Last Friday, I went to get my eyes checked for the first time in… too long! As I was getting fitted for glasses and getting checked out, the lady at the front desk noticed my occupation. She was asking me a little about it and then said something that’s been stirring in me since I…