Tag: ministry

  • 6 Leadership Lessons From Acts 9


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    I was reading through Acts a few days ago and came to Acts 9. We often view this chapter as the conversion of Saul, but it has a lot more than just one event. Here are some leadership lessons I jotted down as I was reading… 1. Significant impact is often made by ordinary people…

  • Every Tribe.

    Yesterday, I came across this article on CNN.com and this photo. I can’t help but think of this…. Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the…

  • 5 Signs It’s Not About Jesus

    We live in a messed up world. People have taken something that is so easy and revolutionary and turned it into something complicated and regular. Here are 5 signs that what you have isn’t Jesus, but something else… 1. You believe that people around you are suddenly unworthy of your company because you’re a “Christian.”…

  • Get In The Boat

    Genesis 7:1 The LORD then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. As I was reading through the story Noah a few days ago, I had this thought… What if Noah, after all that he had done, all the steps of…

  • Never Make Them Mad

    I used to try my best to make people happy… Never make anyone mad. Then, I came to my senses and realized… It’ll never happen. At least, if I’m doing what I should be doing. No matter who we look at over the course of history, anyone that did anything significant caused people to get…

  • You Can’t Fry Everything


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    I love fried food….too much. When Melissa and I got a fryer a couple of Christmas’s ago, we immediately began to fry EVERYTHING. After a week or two, we started to think about how easy it is to fry something instead of cooking it the right way and the healthy way. In leadership, we can’t…

  • Turning People UPSIDE Down

    The goal of God. The goal of Jesus. The goal of Paul. The goal of Peter. The goal of our early church fathers. The goal of your local church. The goal of you. Is to see old and dead people become new and alive. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is…

  • Top Posts of 2010


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    2010 has been a great year for me. I’ve learned, grown, made mistakes, and had fun doing it. That being said, I thought I’d post some of my favorite and most viewed posts from each month of 2010. As you click through, please feel free to share, tweet, or like the posts that are your…

  • Life & Leadership From Tim Tebow

    Like most Sunday afternoons, yesterday I sat down to watch some football… (After all, Sundays are made for church, napping, and football.) As I was flipping through the games, I came across Tim Tebow and his first start in the NFL. For those of you that don’t follow football, Tim Tebow is a verbal Christian…

  • The Wishbone Principle


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    It happens to all of us from time to time. Some may see it as what it is, others may be a little more naive. It may be the work of the enemy, it may be the work of the flesh. It’s that thing that tries it’s best to pull us from God. I’ve always…