Tag: Leadership

  • Raise Thee Up for Free!

    I just wanted to take a second and mention an exciting opportunity. Michael Holmes is offering an audio download of his book, “Raise Thee Up” for FREE. Michael has written several guest posts on this blog including… 5 Surefire Ways to be Fired by God How to Lead After a Bad Leader How to Lead…

  • 5 Surefire Ways to Get Fired by God

    As a leader I mean… Don’t get me wrong He’s not like Trump who gets a rise out of firing people–but there does come a time when His patience runs out and He gives people the boot! So if you’re a leader and are desperately looking to get fired by Him here are a couple…

  • Say It to My Face!


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    Matthew 18:15-20 is one of the easiest passages to understand. It’s not that difficult to realize that when you have an issue with someone, you go to them FIRST. It’s doesn’t take a ton of historical or even biblical knowledge to grasp the concept that Jesus is trying to relay in these verses. But… For…

  • There’s 1 Problem with The Bible


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    I’ve always had a special interest in the Bible. As a child, I always wanted to carry a Bible to Church. I would always go to Sunday School carrying my little Precious Moments Bible (don’t judge me!). I would struggle to find the right passage when the teacher began to talk. But, I always had…