Tag: leader

  • 3 Things Young Leaders Need to Hear


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    I have a great leader in Artie Davis. In the time that I’ve known him, I’ve grown incredibly as a young leader. I’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way and realized that young leaders need to hear these 3 things… 1. “I believe in you.” Everyone needs to know that someone else believes in…

  • Don’t Just Throw Your Weight Around


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    Leadership is about priority, not position. No matter what we’re leading, it’s important that we lead because it’s a priority to us, not simply because we’ve been placed in a position to do so. The truth is, everyone can work their way into some type of leadership POSITION. Whether it be leading a family, leading…

  • You Better Be Sellin What You’re Buying

    If something’s worth buying into, it’s worth bringing others along for the ride. Some of the greatest salesmen are people that were once a customer of their company. The ones that were so thrilled with what they bought that they ended up selling it. Not only are they happy customers, they’re happy salesmen. No matter…

  • 2 Elementary Leadership Principles


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    I’m pretty young. I don’t have a ton of experience behind me. I haven’t been through all the wars yet. BUT, I have been through some. Some really tough ones. Here are 2 leadership principles that are really kind of elementary, but that we often forget. 1. The People Matter. There are no exceptions. When…

  • Leaders Lead

    Leaders…Lead. Leaders are followed. Leaders make decisions. Leaders demonstrate the right way. Leaders step out first. Leaders dare to be different. Leaders set themselves apart. Leaders aren’t afraid of crunch time. Leaders don’t follow the crowd. Leaders don’t always choose easy. Leaders choose right over popular. Leaders are willing to invest in people. It sounds…

  • 5 Surefire Ways to Get Fired by God

    As a leader I mean… Don’t get me wrong He’s not like Trump who gets a rise out of firing people–but there does come a time when His patience runs out and He gives people the boot! So if you’re a leader and are desperately looking to get fired by Him here are a couple…