Tag: depression

  • Utilize the Moment

    Growing up, I had a chore to do every week that I absolutely hated doing. I had to clean out and wash the family car. Every week, I would try to get out of doing the work. I’d try to think of some reason why I couldn’t do it that week or shouldn’t have to…

  • Video Blog: Identity Crisis

    Because of our sin, we’re born with a desire to identify ourselves with something/someone. We search for it in a variety of things and people. Until we place our identity in Christ, we’ll never have lasting joy, peace, and assurance. Unfortunately, some never find their true identity and see themselves as Christ sees them… Your…

  • Life Suckers


    in ,

    Have you ever been in a place or around people that just suck the life out of you? You know, those people or places that are so negative, so self focused, and so unpleasant that you really feel like they are stealing your enthusiasm for life. Sometimes, it’s a job. Sometimes, it’s a certain person.…