Category: Communication

  • Tweets From 10 Years Ago


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    What would have tweets looked like had Twitter been around in the year 2000? Here are a few…. Eatin the Beanie Weenies I had stored up for Y2K. WWJD? Grabbin my Walkman, headed for a run! Just took the family to see “Cast Away.” Almost a silent film…. Camping out at the coliseum to get…

  • New Kid On the Block – Android Tablet


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    So, I always figured that I’d get an iPad at some point to go along with my iPhone. A couple of weeks ago, I got tired of AT&T’s service and switched to an Android on Verizon. I came across this video today and it really has me thinking of diving headfirst into the Android market…

  • 5 Signs FB is Taking Over Your Life

    A few months ago, I did a post about the top 10 signs you’re addicted to twitter… you can read that here. Here are the top 5 signs that Facebook is taking over your life. 1. You’ve seen “Social Network” 5 times already. 2. You check your Facebook inbox more regularly than your postal mailbox.…

  • Favorite WordPress Plugins


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    I was searching for a certain WordPress plugin the other day and noticed how few things came up when I searched. SO I’m going to list my favorite 10 WordPress plugins. Please keep in mind, I am no WP genius. I’m don’t even claim to be. 1. Askimet – Prevents spam comments from coming to…

  • You May Be A Tweet-addict If….

    And now, 10 signs you may be addicted to Twitter… 1. You’ve begun to refer to your personal friends as @ ________________ As in, “Hey, @JonathanPearson, whatcha doing?” 2. You can remember your friends’ Twitter username, but genuinely have trouble remembering their actual name. 3. You often add #justsayin to your personal conversations. As in,…

  • 6 Suggestions to Help You Leverage Social Media


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    Since I dove head first into social media several months ago, I’ve become a believer. Social media has the ability to allow us to reach further than we ever have been able to. Social media allows us to form relationships, live our lives, and impact people that we would never be able to any other…

  • W.W.J.T.


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    We live in a great time in history. It has never been easier to stay close to someone half way around the world. Social sites allow us to make “friends” with someone we’ve never met. Social networks and blogs allow people every where to get the message out that they have. However, I’ve noticed a…