Category: Church Ministry

  • 2 Myths About Millennials

    2 Myths About Millennials

    The millennial generation (those in their 20 and early 30’s now) has managed to gain a lot of generalizations about their attitude and work ethic. We’ve been called a lazy generation and a generation that is better at criticizing than helping. Sure, some of us certainly have played into the formulation of that stereotype, but…

  • 3 Lessons From Sitting Beside a Guy With A Cold

    3 Lessons From Sitting Beside a Guy With A Cold

    A couple of weeks ago, I had to go to Kentucky for something for The Sticks Network. We had been there, done our thing, and were on the last leg of our flight. Right before the plane’s door closed, a guy came down the aisle. Having an empty seat beside me, I knew where he…

  • Resolving the Agony Over Discovering God’s Will For Your Life

    Brethren, do not be children in understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in understanding be mature. ~ 1 Corinthians 14:20 The following article is the Introduction to Frank Viola’s eBook Rethinking God’s Will. If you are a Christian in your late teens, 20s, or 30s, this book will be of particular help to you. It…

  • Why You Aren’t Leading People to Jesus and People Aren’t Coming Back

    Why You Aren’t Leading People to Jesus and People Aren’t Coming Back

    People want to feel like they belong. No matter who you are or what kind of personality you have, you like to feel connected to someone or something. Sure, you may get your energy from being alone, but in the end, you have to be connected with something or someone in order for it to…

  • Don’t Innovate, Imitate

    Don’t Innovate, Imitate

    If you’re like me, you like thinking of new things. You like dreaming new dreams. You like thinking up new ways of doing things. You like imagining what could be. Sometimes, though, you can’t reinvent the wheel. Sometimes, the way someone else does something is the same way you need to do it. Sometimes, you…

  • Reaching The World: Millennials Don’t Want Your Packaged Faith

    Reaching The World: Millennials Don’t Want Your Packaged Faith

    I read this article last week from Basically, the article says that today’s generation (millennials/geny) is buying less stuff. The reason, the article says, is because stuff is available anywhere and everywhere. Whatever we want (theoretically), we can get no matter where we live or who we are. So, companies and businesses have to…

  • The One Thing You Need to Kill

    The One Thing You Need to Kill

    The thing that isn’t working. I know it sounds obvious. You’re probably thinking, “Duh, why am I even reading this.” The truth is, though, that people everywhere are doing things that aren’t effective. They’ve been doing them for years. They’re still doing them. Churches all across the country have ministries and methods that simply aren’t…

  • Passionate Minister or Passive Professional

    Passionate Minister or Passive Professional

    Those of us called to full time ministry all have “that moment.” That moment when we were so passionate about seeing people come to know Jesus and seeing them grow up in him that we couldn’t stop thinking and talking about it. We all had that moment when doing anything but ministry seemed unfulfilling, unworthy,…

  • 3 Reasons You Should Tweet in Church

    3 Reasons You Should Tweet in Church

    I came across this article (thanks to @ScottWilliams) on twitter yesterday. You can read it for yourself, but it seems as though President Obama sent a tweet, or at least had a tweet scheduled to send, during the prayer service before yesterday’s inauguration. The White House denies that Obama actually sent the tweet while in…

  • Are Pastors Really Full Of It?

    Are Pastors Really Full Of It?

    I was blind-sided by this tweet a week or two ago. The tweet came out of nowhere and was sent from someone I haven’t had any previous interaction with on twitter. I had just started following them the day before. What concerns me? It’s not that this was sent to me or that I took…