Category: Blog

  • Gospel = Go Spell

    Gospel = Go Spell

    The Gospel is good news. We can all agree on that. To hear that we were dead but have the opportunity by faith to be made alive again is good news. In fact, the word “gospel” literally means “good news” in the Greek. It is good. It is straight from God.

  • Just A Portrait

    Just A Portrait

    I have an iPhone 7 Plus. No, that’s nothing to brag about, but it does help me with taking pictures because it has something called Portrait Mode.

  • The Leadership Gap

    The Leadership Gap


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    It happens in life and it happens in our leadership… It’s the gap between where we are and where we want to be. It’s the gap between where our organization is and where we know it needs to be. How we manage this gap and how we operate while in the gap goes a long…

  • The Question All Leaders Must Answer Correctly

    The Question All Leaders Must Answer Correctly


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    Deuteronomy 31:1-4 He said, “I am now 120 years old, and I am no longer able to lead you. The LORD has told me, ‘You will not cross the Jordan River.’ 3 But the LORD your God himself will cross over ahead of you. He will destroy the nations living there, and you will take…

  • 3 Things Every Leader Should Be Doing

    3 Things Every Leader Should Be Doing

    Learning Leaders are learners. When we stop learning, we’ll soon quit leading… leading well at least. The thing that I’ve learned from some of the best leaders I’ve ever been around is that they’re willing to learn from anyone. It doesn’t have to be an “expert” in a field or even a leader, but they’re…

  • 7 Powerful Things to Tell Your Children

    7 Powerful Things to Tell Your Children


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    I have to do something most people will tell you to never do before making a speech or writing a blog… I have to admit that I’m not the greatest person to write about what to tell your children. I’m a parent of one child who just turned 3 years old. My experience credential doesn’t…

  • I Just Want…

    I Just Want…


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    Every kid does it. My kid does it all the time.

  • Continue and Become

    Continue and Become


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    I don’t know why I’ve been learning and thinking so much while doing laundry, but here comes another epiphany during laundry post to go along with this one.

  • 3 Ways Parents Can Avoid Missing It

    3 Ways Parents Can Avoid Missing It


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    As a Dad, one of my biggest fears has recently been centered around missing “it.” Here’s what I mean…

  • The Wonder of One Day

    The Wonder of One Day

    One day I’ll start it. One day I’ll go back to school. One day, I’m gonna start working out. One day, I’ll make more time to be at home. One day, I’ll stop smoking. One day, I’ll try writing that book. One day, I’ll finally be able to enjoy life.