The Leadership Gap


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It happens in life and it happens in our leadership…

It’s the gap between where we are and where we want to be. It’s the gap between where our organization is and where we know it needs to be. How we manage this gap and how we operate while in the gap goes a long way in deciding whether or not we’ll ever close that gap.

In leadership, it usually goes something like…

(We can definitely go through this multiple times)

But what do we do while we’re managing the set backs and tweaking the plan? That’s the part of leadership we often don’t see at the conference or read in the books. That’s the part where the real leaders are distinguished from the people with a good idea.

What do you do in the gap?

Be realistic

You have to remain realistic even though you have to think optimistically. By that I mean, you have to be willing to constantly access where you are while maintaining a determination that you will get to the goal. Only in being realistic can you adjust, tweak, and move forward.

Change the angle

I’ve never been able to see those stupid magic eye puzzle things. But, one of the tips for seeing a magic eye has always been to change the angle and depth from which you look at it. You have to do the same in the gap. Have a roadblock? Find another perspective to view it from. Have a set back, change how you view setbacks. Have obvious push back on an idea, get someone else’s angle. Change the angle so you can see your problems, ideas, and goals from new places and perspectives.

Find the wins

Losing? Sometimes, you have to change what winning looks like. Sure, you aren’t at the goal, but maybe you did have a good week or day, celebrate it. Looking to raise $300,000? Maybe today you can celebrate that someone gave $1,000. To celebrate the wins, you have to find them. Be willing to look in new places to keep yourself and your team motivated.

Build your team

You won’t win with the wrong people. Some times the set backs reveal who should really be on your team. Nothing brings out people’s true selves like a set back. Use those to identify who’s truly needed on the team.

Find the next destination

How do you get to where you want to go as a leader? Look beyond it. What would be next. This keeps your vision great while you’re in the gap. A leader’s job is to constantly be moving forward. Don’t let it stop. Keep dreaming even in the gap.

Do you find yourself in the gap today? In life? In leadership? Keep moving. Stay faithful.


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