Overcoming Irritation By Interruption


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interruptionsLife is full of interruptions.

We thought it was gonna go one way but it went another. We thought we were going to reach the goal by May, something happened and we’re still working. We were scheduled to be there, but we’re still here.

Interruptions happen.

In fact, plans are absolutely necessary. We should prepare for things, save money for things, and have goals, but interruptions ultimately determine the course of our life. Or better yet,

How we deal with interruptions determines the course of our lives.

How we view the things that seem to throw us off course and how we respond goes a long way in the success of our lives, businesses, careers, and families.

When interruptions happen, do we throw our hands up and give up on the whole thing, or do we push forward? Do we lose joy, or do we seek to maintain it? Do we try to understand others, or do we assume and determine that we’re right? Do we refocus and recalculate or do we blame others? Do we act defeated or become determined?

It matters.

We can’t determine the interruptions, but we can determine our response to them.

When those interruptions happen in your life…

– breathe
– pray
– be patient
– be intentionally thankful
– seek the company of others
– act decisively and with conviction when it’s time

Let the interruptions many despise become the catalyst few recognize and take advantage of them. We see that pattern throughout history. People that could have thrown in the towel but instead put up a fight. People that could have quit but remained innovative.

Those are the world changers.. the difference makers.

Don’t let the interruptions irritate you, use them.


[bctt tweet=”We can’t determine the interruptions, but we can determine our response to them.” username=”jonathanpearson”]

[bctt tweet=”Don’t let the interuptions irritate you, use them.” username=”jonathanpearson”]

[bctt tweet=”Let the interruptions many despise become the catalyst few recognize. ” username=”jonathanpearson”]


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