4 Questions About Our Faith


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I’ve always been intrigued by the story of Thomas. I don’t know if it’s because it makes me feel better about my own faith or because I can see myself being a lot like him.

Either way, I read this story again a few days ago.

I think there are 4 questions that we must all ask ourselves from this passage…

1. Do I really believe what I’ve always said I believe?

Thomas had been with Jesus. Thomas knew what was going to happen, but still doubted that God would actually do it. Thomas thought that he believed Christ was who He said, but he still doubted when it got down to it. Do we really believe what we claim? Do we really believe that God has the power to bring the dead to life and transform lives? If so, it should change us! If we believe Christ is who He says, we should do what He says!

2. What’s my first instinct with God, doubt or trust?

Thomas’s first instinct was to doubt Christ’s resurrection. I think we all have moments when we doubt God’s plans and ways. However, our first instinct should be to believe that He has the best for us. That’s part of faith.

3. Do I seek out God to find answers to my questions?

The next time Jesus shows up to His disciples, Thomas is there. Thomas didn’t give up and go on to something else, he searched for an opportunity. Something I notice is that Christians have questions about God, but rather than seek the answer through His word, they often just give up on finding the answer. Instead of seeking God’s will, they do things and then say it’s His will. We have to seek out answers and trust God to reveal them.

4. Do I see God’s work in my life?

Thomas finally saw for himself that Christ had risen. After all of this, he found out the truth and then did something about it. God should be showing in and through our everyday lives. God’s work should be displayed in every situation and every part of our lives.


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