3 Social Media Practices for Great Young Leaders

SMEDIAPRACTICESocial media is here to stay.

If you were one of the ones that was reluctant to admit it, you need to come to the place where you’re willing to admit that social media is sticking around. Sure, it will change and evolve, but it will be here in some form for any foreseeable future.

As leaders (young leaders especially) we have to learn to embrace how social media can help us accomplish our vision and goals. In reality, it’s a great tool for us to utilize in so many ways.

What I too often see are people and leaders that greatly reduce their influence and others’ perception of them by the things they put on social media. Sometimes, it’s like they aren’t using social media but allowing themselves to be used by social media because they feel like they have to post everything they think of.

Here are 3 things to remembers as you utilize social media. They’re pretty basic, but some important parameters…

Post respectfully
Think before you post: “Is this something that’s gonna disrespect someone else?” If the answer is yes or maybe, don’t post it… at least not how you were thinking about posting it. Trust me, it’s not worth it. It’s not worth the relationships you’ve built or the potential influence you could have to get a point across on Facebook or Twitter.

Post responsibly
Remember that who you work for, your parents, your kids, and the entire world is going to see what you’re about to write. The truth is that even social media outlets that claim to be “private” are still potentially available others. Think before you post and don’t post anything that’s going to get you in trouble or come back to haunt you. Be responsible. Know when to put your phone down and just enjoy life.

Post regularly
Social media is a tool. It should never run your calendar or have full access to your life. If you want to use it well, though, you’re going to have to be consistent with it. Like anything else, engaging consistently is going to earn you a voice and effectiveness. Don’t let it rule you, but don’t ignore it. Post regularly.

What other social media practices should we all remember?


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