5 Signs You’re Just A Wanna Be Leader

WANNABEThe world is full of want to be leaders.

Social media and popular culture has made it  easy to consider yourself a “leader” regardless if you actually lead anyone or not. Being a real leader actually requires that you lead a corporation, a non profit, a staff, a family, or yourself well. There are a lot of wanna be’s Out there. This will help you determine if you really are a leader or if you’re just a wanna be.

5 signs of wanna be leaders…

– You see those that you lead as a means to an end.

Leadership isn’t about the leader. (click to tweet that) If you’re a young or experienced leader, you have to realize that it’s not about your or your agenda. As the leader, you’re certainly available to lead in the direction you believe you should, but you can’t use people to push a selfish agenda or goal.

– You don’t allow those around you to challenge your thinking.

Leadership isn’t a dictatorship. Sure, some organizations make it easy for a leader to have it his or her way all the time, but that’s not good leadership. As a leader, you want people that will ask questions and challenge your thinking. That’s how you get better. That’s how they get better. That’s how organizations are grown and people are stretched.

– You fail to show appreciation to those you lead.

Leadership appreciates. As a leader, especially a young leader, there is never a time you are solely responsible for the success of anything. Good leaders let those they lead know how much they appreciate their loyalty and hard work. Good leaders think and plan creative ways to show appreciation.

– Most of your statements begin with “I” or “They” instead of “we.”

Leadership gives away the credit and takes away the blame. (click to tweet that) Words like “I” take all the credit while “They” and “Them” passes the blame. As a leader, it falls on you. Share the credit by using words like “we” did it as a “team.” It’s the truth, it’s not about you.

– You tweet more leadership principles than you practice.

Leadership is action. I love twitter. I follow a lot of leaders on twitter and I love to read their insights. I tweet a leadership quote every now and then post a catchy leadership tweet from time to time. It’s fine to like leadership on twitter, but real leaders lead by the principles they know. Good leaders aren’t out for a retweet, but value change and people above it all.


One response to “5 Signs You’re Just A Wanna Be Leader”

  1. The ” I ” statement is common, folks neglect to demonstrate an understanding between the definitions and differences between TRUTH/ true. A powerful Leader has the “response” ability to navigate assumptions and interpretations.

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