Evolution is Real, We Have to Adapt

Now, before you shut me down, I’m probably not saying what you think I’m saying….

All I’m saying is that things change.
Culture changes.
People change.

Everything evolves over time. Sometimes, it may not seem like it’s for the best, but things do evolve and change. Think about the last 10 years and how much society, social nuances, and technology have changed. It’s mind blowing if you look at what’s happened over the last 10 years. Since 2000…

CABLE: Cable 24-hour news made the evening network news seem quaint, cable dramas reaped Emmys … and at decade’s end, even Oprah was making the move to cable.

CAMERAS: Remember those trips to get film developed? Nope? Even your grandmother has a digital camera, and she’s probably emailing you photos right now or uploading them to a photo-sharing site.

CELEBRITY CULTURE: Celebrity magazines fed a growing obsession with celebrities and the everyday minutiae of their lives.

CELLPHONES: Cellphones are now used by more than 85 per cent of the U.S. population and for some have replaced land lines entirely.

FACEBOOK: Can you believe this social networking site was once limited only to Harvard students? Now it’s a time-sucking obsession for more than 300 million users globally and a whole new form of social etiquette: Who to friend on Facebook?

(source for changes)

All of that to say this…

We have a timeless message as believers in Christ. As leaders, we have to be sure we change our methods to reach those that are in a changing culture.

Sure, some of the non-biblical ‘rules’ we’ve put into place over the years may have to be blown up to do so, but we have to adjust what we’re doing. The church must evolve as well. Christians must evolve. We can’t sit in a pew and shake our finger at a culture that is more connected and less “Christian,” we have to take our timeless message to them using their evolved culture.

Just something on my mind. Your thoughts?


8 responses to “Evolution is Real, We Have to Adapt”

  1. I believe in evolving. I once said I didn’t want a cell phone. My wife talked me into it. Then I said, “No texting. Call me if you want to know something.” I use it as much as talking now, or even more. i still haven’t gotten to the time-sucking FB thing. Does that make me extinct?

    1. Haha. Not yet… But soon no one will know you exist! :-)

  2. We definitely have to get active and utilize the tools that are at our disposal. Especially when they have a significant reach.

    1. Amen. Good point!

  3. I’m like cycleguy. I didn’t have a cell phone until 2007 (when I became a pastor); didn’t have a smartphone until 2011. One the people I worked with created a FB account for me (without my knowledge, at first) in 2009, and I didn’t use it for months. I had a twitter account for 2 years without using it.

    But now, I use those things all the time.

    I’m a slowly-evolving young dinosaur, I guess.

  4. I wonder if there is a line to be drawn on how much a church tries to be too edgy or sale-ish? I mean how much does a church have to sell its self with facebook and twitter ads and promotional giveaways before it become like a Ford or Apple Ad. I feel like there is a discussion about how much marketing a church can get away with without being over the top…
    just a thought.

  5. At one time, the church was at the forefront of those evolutions – starting hospitals and schools, trying radical things with art and music, fighting for social injustices and actually changing culture rather than just pointing a finger at it. It’s time for us to be there again. Great post, Jonathan!

  6. Great post. I would even argue that TV has evolved further, as people no longer make an appointment to watch their favorite shows. They simply watch them online or DVR them. It’s all about on-demand and interactivity.

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