Jigsaw Puzzles, Identity, and Finding Your Place


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Around last Christmas, my wife talked me into sitting down and doing a jigsaw puzzle with her. I’m not a huge fan of puzzles, I don’t have the patience to spend hours looking for the corner of a tree that the box top tells me has to be in there.

This night, though, I was feeling nice so I agreed to do the puzzle. We dumped the pieces out on the table and began to put it together. An hour or so later, we were down to one last piece.

Of course, after spending an hour on this stinking puzzle, I wanted to find that last piece. I started looking frantically for that little jigsaw piece. After just a few seconds, we found it under the edge of a rug that was under the table we were working on top of.

We put the piece into the puzzle to complete the Christmas scene we saw on the box top.

I think many of us are like that piece of the puzzle that got under the rug…

We know we’re a part of something bigger.
We know we’re supposed to follow God’s plan for us.
We know that it’s about the big picture and not just our corner.

But we still go off and get lost by ourselves.

What results is a missing piece and a lot of frustration on our part.

When we realize that our identity is in the puzzle that God has for the world and in His plan, it changes things… it changes our life.

We’re suddenly so much more than a lonely and lost piece of the puzzle…

We’re a part of God’s grand puzzle.

Find your place.


2 responses to “Jigsaw Puzzles, Identity, and Finding Your Place”

  1. Lavender Louice Avatar
    Lavender Louice

    I like your article much. You have describes the similarity of puzzles with our life. Really our life is like puzzle which is very hard to match.

  2. Love this illustration. Our purpose gets lost apart from Him…we were designed to be part of the bigger picture.

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