What Good Things Are Happening With You?


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I don’t know about you, but sometimes, hearing about what is going on in someone elses life helps me too. Hearing how things are going well for them and how things are working out in a good way for them makes me believe they will for me as well.

We tend to talk more when we’re in pain or hurting, but…

Sometimes, hearing about how other people are being blessed… blesses me.


What’s going on with you these days? What good things have happened or are happening?



22 responses to “What Good Things Are Happening With You?”

  1. I love my job. I think we are close to finding our new church.

    1. Very cool. Great to have a job you like!

  2. I worked at all 4 of my jobs yesterday. Thankful to have those jobs, and have so much ministry opportunity.

    Jonathan — you didn’t tell us your good things.

    1. Great! My good things are still ahead. Using this time to anticipate what’s to come… lookin forward to some big things! Thanks for asking!

      1. Great perspective, Jonathan! Love that :)

  3. Well, having a baby in 3-4 weeks. Holy cow dude. Mind blown. So, so blessed.

    1. haha… One of the best ‘good things.’

  4. I am especially thankful right now because I am {finally} seeing some answers after YEARS of praying for specific areas in my husband’s life.
    Very, very encouraging to me :)

    1. wow! That’s GREAT! Prayer works! Thanks for dropping by and sharing.

  5. Lauren Avatar

    God has provided job opportunities to repay debt and get out from under it’s enslavement. Praising Him.

    1. Great news! It is enslavement. Glad you’re gettin out!

  6. I was asked last week to help lead a mission trip to Romania this October, on top of my regular trip to Czech in July. I have been praying for 5 years for an open door into another European country, and up until now, nothing has happened. This opportunity literally came over night – the night before I was talking to the guy spearheading the trip and it was only open to people from his church. The next morning I had an email asking if Ignite and I would partner with them in the trip.

    It truly is a year of favor.

    1. So cool! I think your last sentence says it well. I’m believing for that too! Thanks, Jason.

  7. I, rarely like talking about my life and the things that are happening. So, this is a little different for me.

    In my professional life, I had an idea about two months ago about implementing a committee that focuses on getting staff more involved and keeping them in the “loop.” During that time, we got a new Leader and Dean and after meeting with him, he liked the idea. My idea was approved and I am now coordinating with a group of 6 others a “Marketing & Communications” Committee which will be the most active committee we’ve ever had. We will not only communicate and network with other faculty and staff, but network all through our University’s campus. Made me think of how one idea, even if you think won’t go anywhere, can turn into something huge.

    *Cough Millennial Leader cough*

    In my personal life, I have had different things in my life happen in the last seven months that have greatly changed my perspective about God and Faith. I’ve learned that if we continue serving others and trust Him, He will bless our life tenfold.

    About two days ago, I received an e-mail that one of my posts from Incite Faith is being considered for publication in an upcoming book being released in March 2012. Sometimes we don’t realize our talents and the gifts God has given us until we step outside our comfort zone and take a leap of faith. We never think that an idea or something we do will have an impact on any one but ourselves, but that’s not the case. And I’ve learned that a lot lately.

    As for my relationship with God. It gets stronger each day. I look at the amazing things you are doing with Millennial Leader, and the things that a lot of the people I am connected to via Twitter are doing and I think to myself, “Wow, they’re changing the world.” And honestly, there are times where I feel like I am falling short.

    The great thing about God is that it isn’t about what we do it’s about what we are doing to serve Him and how active we are in our faith and pursuing a relationship with Him in every area of our life.

    The rest falls into place when we reach that point.

    1. So cool, Julie! It’s great to talk about yourself sometimes…. it’s all really about how great God is. Happy for you! Thanks so much for encouraging me regularly on this blog too!

  8. Wayne Avatar

    Even though life can be a roller coaster with bad things and good things happening, things are well. Our business traffic is down at work, but I am busy and making sales. My kids are more responsive to reading bible stories and talking about God, Jesus, sin, Satan and such. I am able to assist with other people that are spreading the Gospel in new areas and reaching the homeless. God is showing me how to enjoy the good times and how to make it through the tough times with joy. Everyday is something new and exciting, even if it’s work then home!

    1. Love how God moves things slowly and at just the right time! Thanks for sharing, Wayne!

  9. Excited about going to Haiti in a couple months.

    1. Yeah. Sounds like fun!!

  10. Just had a visiting team return to the US that really confirmed an idea I have for a future business here. Thankful for that as well as for teammates and partners that made it happen. Several key pieces for our vision here may have just appeared so very excited about the future, whatever challenges it may bring.

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