6 REAL Ways to Get More #Twitter Followers


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There are a lot of rumors and junk floating around the internet when it comes to gaining more twitter followers.

Sure, you can pay for them, but that doesn’t really help most people. Most people want to connect with people that are like them or that share the same interests. They want practical ways to connect with more people.

So, with that being said, here are several REAL ways to get more REAL twitter followers.

1. Tweet good content.

It’s simple… People take notice of what they like or benefit from.

2. Thank people for #FollowFriday mentions so they’ll do it again.

This one is often overlooked, but can really help. People want to know you appreciate them giving you a shout out… Thank them for it if you want them to do it again.

3. Make the first move.

Follow targeted users (by search or people that are followed by the people you follow, RT, and mention).

4. Interact.

With new people followed, with people RTed in your timeline… After all, it is called ‘SOCIAL media.’

5. Use your twitter profile as your website in blog comments.

Link your Gravatar to your twitter profile or fill in the ‘web’ portion of the comment field with your twitter address (http://twitter.com/____). This way, when people click on your name in the comments section of blogs you comment on, they’ll get to your twitter profile first.

6. Tell your FB friends, Linkdin connections, and G+ crowd.

Post a link in your profile info to your twitter and post the link as your status on occasion. Even if you’re connecting with the same people, it gives you more chances for RT’s and more chances for your @ name to be noticed.

OK. We need more. What suggestions do you have?


10 responses to “6 REAL Ways to Get More #Twitter Followers”

  1. A few suggestions I’ve read about and have tried to follow:

    Answer questions. Using the filter function in Tweetdeck to search for “?” helps immensely.

    Follow back, although I try to only follow back those whom I can help or vice-versa. What are your thoughts on following back everyone?

    Use the Twitter “Who to Follow” link and the “Similar to @whoever” links on a particular user’s profile page. While “Who to Follow” can sometimes be too broad depending on what Twitter’s suggestions are, the “Similar to” links will provide you with people who are likely to follow you back since they’re already part of your extended network.

    But I agree with your first point most of all. Always make sure you’re relaying more signal than noise!

    1. For me personally, I follow most back… most people that don’t seem to be selling me something and are actual real people. It’s just my personality, I don’t think that’s essential or a rule for everyone by any means. I like answering questions… the only thing is that it could come off really creepy… be sensitive to what q’s you answer and who you’re answering.

      Good suggestions, Blake! Thanks.

  2. I’ve been using the new Activity tab to see who people I follow end up following. If they have similar interests, I will follow them – which in turn usually leads to a follow back.

    I think the biggest key, though, is interaction. It’s what Twitter is really all about.

    1. I agree, Jason. What it’s all about.

  3. Simple and true ways of having more people follow you. I need to apply some of your points.

    1. Thanks Dan. Don’t think any of these are going to provide explosive growth, but targeted growth. Appreciate you man!

  4. These are so true! It’s hard to keep up on Twitter when you work, but it does work to improve followers on both Twitter and your blog. Thanks, Jonathan!

    1. You’re very welcome, Sandy! Been missing ya!

  5. For businesses, organizations, etc., I would say don’t aimlessly follow. When I got my current car last March, I tweeted about how I was going to Columbus to get it. I was talking about Columbus, GA. Well, later that day I had a car dealership from Columbus, OH following me. I tweeted them saying thanks for the follow, but that I’m in GA. They unfollowed me haha.

    My point is, and not just for businesses really, is that you need to do your research sometimes. If whoever followed me would have taken the time to realize I was in GA and not OH, they would have realized I was nowhere near them.

    Also, going back to your first point Jonathan, tweet good content indeed. I follow CEO’s and other high profile people. I enjoy when they tweet original content, not when they’re simply pumping out their company’s newest blog post or press release. Don’t be a spam account, be genuine and real.

  6. Hey there, buddy, nice view was told about a website that a friend told me that can buy twitter followers and facebook fans or likes http://www.buytwitterbuddies.com. They also give out 100 free twitter followers.

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