Beauty From Distress


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Why do leaves change colors in the fall?

Well, to summarize, it’s because the shorter days and smaller amounts of sunshine force the plants to begin storing food in itself for winter. In short, the trees begin to realize that they’re only weeks away from dying if they don’t do something.

It’s really just a coping mechanism.

But amidst the panic and distress of the autumn trees, God brings about beauty.

In the midst of the plants scurry for food and their lack of photosynthesis (a big word I learned about in science class), there comes about something beautiful that you and I get to enjoy year after year.

What if…

  • What you’re going through right now is meant to end in something beautiful?
  • Your surroundings are preparing you for a bounty?
  • Your worry is gonna result in God’s perfect work?
  • Your distressed now because the beauty is not far?

Hang in there.

God has a way of bringing about beauty from distress.

In nature.
In me.
In you.

How have you seen God do beautiful things through tough processes?


17 responses to “Beauty From Distress”

  1. […] Continued here: Beauty From Distress | […]

  2. YES! The past three years have not been easy, but God has used them to give birth to my dream and produce a new level of faith in me that I didn’t have previously. Something beautiful indeed.

    1. Absolutely! Thanks man.

  3. Absolutely, dude. I think about the incredibly bad ministry experiences I have had in the past and how God has been preparing me for where He is leading me next. It’s hard to see the beauty in the middle of the distress…but hindsight and all.

    1. Haha. Great point!

  4. Wonderful post. I think our minds were thinking in the same direction this week. I wrote about our ultimate victory! “In His time He makes ALL things beautiful!” Even during the tough times, God sends us His blessings.
    Have a great day!

    1. Well said. Great post!

  5. […] post: Beauty From Distress | This entry was posted in Beauty & Personal Care and tagged because-the-shorter, […]

  6. Absolutely – Yes! God has been working through the challenges we have found in dealing with an illness that my wife has. We have seen God do amazing things through our brokenness. We have developed compassion for others in similar situations. We have learned to realize that we can’t do it on our own. We have learned the power in the body of believers.

    1. So cool how that happens. Be strong! The beauty is around the corner. Thanks so much for dropping by and sharing!

  7. Waiting for our house to sell – the testimony in the waiting will be awesome! Awesome connection here Jonathan!

  8. Jonathan, this is such a great post! I LOVE how God redeems the pain and the hardships in our life.

  9. Yes, we’ve been going through some distress. It’s resulted in us looking for a new church. I believe something beautiful will result in us finding a new church home.

  10. i love how simply you put this. great visual…great truth…great challenge!

  11. Great word bro! Glad to follow you on the tweet machine now. I’ll be stopping by more often.

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