Show Your Character


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I’ve always believed that one of the truest tests of our character is…

how we react when someone wrongs us.

Do we wrong them back?
Do we forgive and move on?
Do we slander them with words?

I think that says a lot about who we really are…

behind the curtain.

What’s one thing you see that reveals character?


7 responses to “Show Your Character”

  1. I actually just finished a series on character! I believe that true character is who you are when no one is watching. I wrote a post on it here:

    1. That’s good. Great post man!

  2. How we respond also is a reflection of how we put God’s grace into action in our lives/character.

    1. Very true. Thanks April!

  3. How we act when no one is watching.

    That’s actually how I was taught to find out what your true character is. Most people do try to act different (i.e. better) around others. But when you’re by yourself and no one is watching, that reveals your true character.

    1. Truth! Thanks Jason.

  4. Along the same lines as Jason V… actually letting people “behind the curtain”… and maybe even how many people you let behind your curtain.

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