Lose the Fear. Look to Love.

Fear is a captivating thing.

  • It can steal our joy.
  • It can take our effectiveness.
  • It can weaken our faith.
  • It can separate us from the One that loves us.
  • It can cripple relationships.
  • It can make us miss out on doing something significant.

That’s why these verses are so critical to a believer’s life…

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. 1 John 4:18

No matter how young or old you are, fear can cut you off from all that God has for you.

Fear will…

  • Make us unwilling to do something significant.
  • Keep us from forgiving our neighbor.
  • Prevent us from taking a bold step of faith.
  • Cause us to doubt the voice of God.


Perfect love will…

Drive out that fear.

It gets inside us and squeezes the fear out of our lives…
it leaves no room for fear…
it fills us.

So, if you’re allowing fear to prevent you from doing what you know you should,
if you’re allowing fear to conquer your victory,
look to the love.

Look to be filled
with the love,
the perfect love of God. 


17 responses to “Lose the Fear. Look to Love.”

  1. right on.

  2. Amen! I got tired of living in fear. Love is much more satisfying.

  3. “perfect love expels…”

    May the One True God be like the syrup of ipecac to our fear.

    (syrup of ipecac: commonly referred to as ipecac, is derived from the dried rhizome and roots of the ipecacuanha plant, and is a well known emetic – substance used to induce vomiting)

    1. That’s good. Thanks Scott.

  4. Amen to that!

  5. I’m trying to fully understand Gods love.

    1. I think we all are. As I read scripture, I get a better idea. Jesus alone is more than I can comprehend.

  6. Cynthia Avatar

    Thanks. That’s what I was doing….letting fear crowd out and keep me from God’s will in so many areas and on so many levels, including the ones you mentioned. I heard God say that also. That’s one of the things I was going to work on today before I do something else that I need to do.

    1. Glad to hear it helped ya, Cynthia. Appreciate you reading and sharing!

    1. Haha. Short and to the point. Like it! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  7. Juan Avatar

    Tonight I will be preaching for the first time in months, and I must be honest– I almost said no. Why? Because I’m terrifed of te thought of getting back up there. Well here I am at the library, preparing my message. I know God’s love will give me the courage to preach for him again.

  8. Timely reminder!!

  9. I think that the Lord is really trying to get my attention with this issue. I wrote a post close to this about a year and a half ago. Just this afternoon (literally, 2 hours ago) I pulled it out to share it with my team at work. Here’s the link: http://thekintzfactor.com/2010/06/14/war-between-fear-and-love/

    I’m facing a difficult decision in a relationship right now. Trying to figure out what is wisest and if this person feels the same way I do. I’m terrified of being hurt again. But like I said, I think this is the Lord’s way of reminding me, even if it doesn’t turn out the way I want it to, His love tears down that fear. His love holds me.

  10. Adam Avatar

    Refreshing read and great reminder, Jonathan! Thanks!

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