Will You Pray for Me?


in ,

I’m guilty of it… Even though I have the best of intentions.

I’m sure that you may be too.

Telling someone you’ll pray for them and then forgetting about it completely.
Telling someone you’ll be praying for them and only doing it once.

And when you happen to remember, it’s one of those quick ‘bless them’ type prayers.

So, my question today…

When you say, “I’ll be prayin for you,” do you?

If so, how do you remember?


40 responses to “Will You Pray for Me?”

  1. I have a Moleskine that I record my promises to pray in jonathan. When I have my QT in the morning I open it and work my way through it. If I don’t do that, I will forget for sure. Then I have to “lie” to someone that I have prayed for them and I hate doing that.

    1. I love my moleskin, but I guess I don’t carry it enough to use it like this. Good system though. Thanks Bill.

  2. evie Avatar

    I have a journal and I will write their name & request in it and then go over it before I pray. I was against it thinking journals were geeky at first but I am in awe of how I’ll write and revisit and see all the Lord has answered.

    1. Good plan. Thanks, Evie.

  3. I told someone this morning on Facebook that I’d pray for them and I stopped and did it right away because I would forget. I do forget to pray for people when I’ve told them I would. That just heaps on the guilt. I don’t like that feeling either. :(

    1. I’m the exact same way. I do try to put their name down so I can remember, but I sometimes forget to do that.

  4. I am with Sandy, I pray on the spot and then forget about it later… shame on me.

  5. I do it right then. I don’t wait. This way I know I have done it and it helps the other person because they know they have been prayed for.

    1. So you pray out loud for them on the spot? Good thought!

  6. Whenever I say I will pray for someone, I usually do it right when I say it…that way I won’t forget. It’s not that I don’t care. Sometimes I would forget. I don’t want that to happen!

    1. I do the same. I just hate not doing it again because I forget.

  7. This bothers me too. I try never to say it unless I REALLY am going to pray. It seems thoughtful but means nothing if you don’t follow through.

    1. I agree! Bugs me when I see them later and think, “shoot! I was supposed to be praying for them.” I’m getting better with it though. Thanks, Eileen.

  8. I’ve put evernote on my iphone and computer so at any given time I can see the list of people I said I’d pray for and I can take a few minutes here and there throughout the day to pray for them. I’ve only been doing this a couple of days but so far so good.

    1. That’s what I’ve started doing. Works well… if i can remember to put them in there. :) Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Seiji.

  9. Jonathan, I too was plagued by the guilt of telling someone I would pray for them, then forget all about it. Here’s what I do now:

    I set up an account on http://www.echoprayer.com . With that, I add prayer requests to my list when I tell them I’ll be praying for them.

    Then, EchoPrayer lets me set up a calendar of reminders that can be sent either to my inbox as an email or my phone as a text. Since I have unlimited texting, I use that. Then, all throughout the day, I get texts of random prayer requests from the list I created.

    This not only helps remind me to pray, but it keeps a dialog open with God all throughout the day (praying without ceasing).

    1. Is this a free service? Gonna check it out. Thanks, Scott!

      1. Nevermind. Look like it is free. Cool tool!

  10. nothing wrong with praying right on the spot (as someone said) as no to forget. there are so many things to pray about, it’s natural for a request to pass your mind. thanks for the reminder!

    1. That’s true. Thanks to you too, Rob.

  11. What’s helped me with this problem is making a little sticky and putting on my morning devotional. I write one or two words that remind me of the request and when I see it first thing in the morning I am sure to make the time to actually honor my words to pray for someone. Hopefully that helps others! :)

    1. Great tip, Louis. Thanks.

  12. Darrell Childress Avatar
    Darrell Childress

    I would do the same thing…say that I’d pray for someone and then forget all about it. Saying, “I’ll pray for you” had gotten as common (and, unfortunately, as meaningful/less) as saying, “Lets get together soon”. You mean it in theory, but it often doesn’t happen.
    I actually have an iPhone app called Prayer Partner from Laridian. It’s a great app,It allows you to record prayer requests and whatever details you want, it can integrate with your contacts and even email or text them that you prayed for them (I don’t do that, might be a little creepy getting an automated email saying “You’ve been prayed for”).

    1. Just bought it. Downloading now. Thanks, Darrell!

  13. If asked to pray, I pray then.

    If asked to continue in prayer, I set an Outlook or Google Calendar reminder. Depending on the request, I establish a frequency for the reminder to notify me.

    1. The reminder thing is a good idea. Never really thought of that. Thanks, Dusty!

  14. I have set up reminders for me to pray, but also ask the Lord to bring them to my mind to remember them. I also try to either email/post/txt a verse to them (like): “praying He will give you peace that passes all understanding….etc. etc.” so that they have a verse to cling to, but also know WHAT I am praying for them. My parents passed down the tradition of praying verses for people and the older I get, the more wisdom I see in that.
    I am quite intrigued by the EchoPrayer system. WOW. great idea and tool!!

    1. Great tool! Great thoughts here too. Like the idea of letting them know you’re praying. Thanks for dropping by and sharing!

  15. Guilty.

    Two things: I pray right then when someone asks. Or, I put it in my calendar if it’s a time sensitive thing.

    1. with ya. I downloaded the prayer partner app that Darrell recommended. Pretty handy I think.

  16. I pray right then and there. That way, I know the petition’s gone to Dad.

  17. I used to be guilty of this so I just started praying for people right away instead of telling them I would pray later. No time like the present to take a request before the LORD.

    1. So true. Thanks, Zenobia!

  18. Andy Geers Avatar
    Andy Geers

    I developed an iPhone app for exactly this purpose: PrayerMate. Stick in all the people you want to pray for und various categories, and each day it will suggest one or two from each category. It’s $2.99 in the app store.

    1. Wow. Really cool. Thanks for sharing, Andy!

  19. Usually I pray right then and there. But sometimes I forget.

    1. You’re not alone. Some great tips here in the comments though.

  20. I do my best to pray right then. Most of my time on Twitter is to respond and pray directly (as a reply) as folks ask.

    My web site is my daughter’s carepage if you would like to pray!

    1. Will do. Thanks Beverly!

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