5 Ways to Get Twitter Traction


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People ask me quite often (I’m not an expert by any means) about how to get traction in the world of social media.

Most often, that conversation revolves around a blog or twitter.

We have to remember that no matter the social media platform, certain principles apply. Just like our everyday relationships, some ideas are universal no matter the context. Here are 5 ways to get traction… specifically twitter traction…

1. Use it – Be consistent.

This is a pretty good rule no matter what you’re doing, but especially in social media and with twitter. If you don’t do it consistently, you’re gonna get lost in a world of millions of tweets. Be consistent with your updates. People will never notice you unless you say something.

2. Lose It – Don’t seek to be famous.

Lose the “I want followers” attitude. That’s not the real point of twitter. You may want followers, but why? What’s the end goal? Selling? Influencing? Making money? Remember that end goal. Don’t just use it to get followers, use it to for a valuable purpose.

3. Make it – Needs to be a priority.

Ultimately, we make time for that which we believe in or enjoy. Make social media (twitter specifically) a priority to you and your life. If you have to, schedule time to tweet or browse your timeline. Do it the last 2 minutes of each hour or every other hour. It has to be important enough to use your time… if not, people will know it.

4. Take it – Actually tweet about what you’re doing.

Take twitter with you. Some of my most retweeted moments have been when I was not sitting at my computer. Something came to me while in a store or eating lunch and I tweeted it… right then. Use your mobile phone to text or tweet… things are better when they’re fresh.

Warning: Don’t tweet when you’re mad…

5. Like it – Enjoy what you’re doing.

The real key? Enjoy it. It becomes less about a task and more about a hobby. Less about an agenda and more about relationship. Enjoy what you’re doing. Ultimately, social media/twitter may not be for everyone…

Your Twitter traction tips??

More posts on social media:

Social Media Tips: 4 Keys for Your Chain

Social Media Strategy

Communication With A Cause


19 responses to “5 Ways to Get Twitter Traction”

  1. These tips are so timely, Jonathan. I’ve been getting some followers that are outspoken about people that don’t follow them back, but they don’t have anything to offer.

    I think that it’s helped that I thank new followers and re-tweeters daily. I only follow some of them, because, again, they have something that interests me.

    1. Yeah, I see a lot of those people. Not really sure what their end goal is…

  2. Luther Wesley Avatar
    Luther Wesley

    My goal is to take over the world using twitter…..

    It really is about social interaction, meeting new and interesting people, and God using me to minister to someone in some way.

    What to do? Like you said be consistent and interact.

    1. way to have lofty goals! :)

  3. Very solid advice my friend, love the Like It. That is my goal throughout life, if I can help it, I only do what I love!

    1. Don’t blame ya!

  4. Take it… I like that one. :)

    1. Yeah, I think we’ve lost that with all the scheduling and stuff.

  5. I’ll add one:
    Share it – you don’t have all of the world’s good ideas. ReTweet, mention, share links, etc. Your ideas, insights, and blog posts aren’t the only good things worth putting out there on Twitter. Share what you’re reading and learning!

    Great thoughts, Jonathan…I like these a lot!

    1. Share it. Good one!

  6. “People will never notice you unless you say something.” Simple but right on. Actually using it is the first step.

    1. definitely. Thanks Matthew.

  7. Great tips!! Unfortuantely, I have not tweeted much lately. So much has been going on! I will be sharing this post with others. Have a great day!! Blessings

    1. Tell me about it… where ya been?! I understand. Miss ya in the twitter stream tho!

  8. Good tips Jonathan. I try to view it as a conversation piece. If someone gives me the courtesy of a mention of @reply…. I’ll try to reply back… not just simply viewing it as a broadcasting tool.

    1. That’s really important. Talk WITH, not AT. Thanks man.

  9. Great thoughts. I think being consistent in your niche areas is key.

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  11. […] tips on using twitter more effectively? Read my post here.] If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or join the conversation […]

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