Honor Your Leader: 10 Ways to Do It


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Leadership is not for the faint of heart.

There’s a lot of pressure on a leader, no matter what they’re leading.

I’ve come to realize that leading can be a lonely and often stressful position.

Here are 10 ways to honor your leader…

1. Follow them.

2. Talk positive about them.

3. Give them the benefit of the doubt when you hear something negative.

4. Write them a thank you card.

5. Stick up for them around others.

6. Support their vision.

7. Tell them.

8. Pray for them.

9. Believe in them.

10. Serve them.

How else can you honor your leader?


16 responses to “Honor Your Leader: 10 Ways to Do It”

  1. Kathy Fannon Avatar
    Kathy Fannon

    Be flexible…no whining or complaining when the goals and activities need to adjust.

    Be loyal.


    This is a great list, Jonathan!

    1. Great points!

  2. You do well my bro. Very proud of you.

    1. Thanks Artie.

  3. Give them cookies! :lol: Seriously, I think your list hit it!

    1. Haha. Couldn’t hurt though!

  4. I like Brandon’s idea…could be that I’m a big fan of the cookie.

    1. I got it. Bring u cookies!

  5. Giving back to them, whether it be in some form of gift (like Brandon’s cookies!), or just making sure to go out of your way to encourage them, ask them how they are doing, etc. It can be very lonely/difficult being a leader, so it’s important to show our leaders that they are not alone, and wearen’t just in it for what we can get out of them.

  6. Listen to them. sounds easy and you touched on this a bit.
    but it is interesting to see people (like myself) who are around leaders but do a pour job of listening to their advice

    1. Great thought!

  7. Excellent list! #5 says more positively than what I was thinking…don’t throw them under the bus when everyone around you is discussing mutiny.

    PS…I just happened to post a cookie recipe this AM if you need one. ;) New follower who is looking forward to your posts. Happy Saturday! :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by! Don’t know if I can bake cookies, but I can certainly eat them!

  8. Great thoughts. I feel pastors and church leaders don’t recieve enough honor for their work. I think one of the resons for burn out is because of people not encourageing or thanking their leaders.

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