Why I Love Ground Turkey


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A few years ago, someone introduced me to ground turkey.

They said that it was healthier than ground beef and even had a sweeter taste.

At first taste, I was hooked. I started using ground turkey in everything and asking for it in everything. I like it with chili, as a burger, in spaghetti, and just about anything else that seems like it deserves some sort of ground meat.

That’s not why I love ground turkey though…

I love ground turkey because of its uniqueness.
It doesn’t try to be ground beef, it is just itself.
It doesn’t try to substitute for ground beef, it has its own unique taste that is good in things ground beef isn’t.
It’s leaner and healthier, even though not as many people use it.

Ground turkey is… Ground turkey.

It doesn’t want to be anything but its unique self, the way it was created.

How about you?

Are you willing to be yourself even if it means you may not look or act like the person that seems to get all the attention?

What makes you…. You?


15 responses to “Why I Love Ground Turkey”

  1. If I were any more me…the world couldn’t handle it. Lol.

    1. Got that right! :)

  2. What makes me…me?

    Dude, I have no clue. I’m sure its different though.

  3. Interesting…great post!

    1. haha… thanks man!

  4. To your question: Absolutely! Not being ones self only brings on stress and unhappiness. At least for me…

    1. Completely agree. Stress b/c we feel like we have to consistently be something we’re not. Good point!

  5. I am me and me is I…that is all! :)

  6. I love how you took ground turkey and turned it around to be about us being ourselves. Classic!

    As for what makes me, me – everything I am! There isn’t another person out there quite like me. Which is probably a good thing…lol

    1. I love me some turkey bacon, so I’ll haveta pick up some ground turkey next time I get groceries!

      and I agree with Jason.
      Not a comparison I would’ve EVER thought to make.
      …and I’m pretty clever with analogies (…or so I like to think ;))

      But I always strive to be myself.
      Sometimes it’s hard, especially when we’re criticized for being “different” or we’re not noticed when we want to be. But God made each of us to be different. He loves us just the way we are, so we have to love ourselves that way, too :)

      1. I like turkey bacon too! I agree with you. It’s difficult at times, but important. Thx!

  7. I don’t really know why, but I LOVED this post.
    My addiction to caffeine and affinity for sleep deprivation makes me, ME.

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