Here’s God’s Will for Your Life

It’s always been  an often asked question…

“What’s God’s will for my life?”

In other words, the question is really this..

“What’s God’s specific plan for my life?”
“What am I here for?”

The question is a solid and valid question, but the answers we often come up with are less valid.

People answer this question in many ways,

For some, they say that it’s God’s will for me to marry and have kids.
For some, they say that it’s God’s will for me to speak to thousands.
For some, they say that it’s God’s will for me to be happy.

All of these things may fit into God’s will, but I think there’s more.

Here’s some insight into discovering the real answer to the question…

God’s plan for you will always promote His purpose.

His purpose is people.
His purpose is eternal.
His purpose is healing.
His purpose is hope.
His purpose is love.

Ultimately, ours MUST be too.


18 responses to “Here’s God’s Will for Your Life”

    1. JP,

      The Will of our Father is never hidden or some kind of ‘hide and seek’ with Him. It is right there, in The Scriptures.

      His purposes must be ours, as you so wonderfully put it. Otherwise, we just make Him into yet another god of convenience and one who gratifies our need for religious appearances. Blah.

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lynn Soss, Chris Johnson and Jay Cookingham, Jonathan Pearson. Jonathan Pearson said: Blogged: Here's God's Will for Your Life – […]

  2. A to the mizzy-men. Always promote, and is always perfect. I love that about God, he’s pretty neat.

  3. Great post!

  4. I just shared this with everyone on my site…really like the last part of this post! Very challenging!

    1. Thanks Brandon! Appreciate that.

  5. Elena Haupricht Avatar
    Elena Haupricht

    His purpose is people.
    His purpose is eternal.
    His purpose is healing.
    His purpose is hope.
    His purpose is love.
    My prayer comes from a song…”Decicate me now, to Your service, Lord by Thou power of grace divine. Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope and my “will be lost in Thiine”…I pray that all the things posted above from your post will be my priority in my life, b/c it is most important to Him. He promises to lead us in that, as you have said. As Jesus said..”Not my will but Thine be done”..It is a matter of laying EVERYTHING down for the cause of Christ.

  6. Romans 8:29 comes to mind–I have be predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. Powerful words.

  7. This. Is. Money!

    Loved this, Jonathan.

  8. Great post man – and I think it helps alleviate that doing nothing stage many of us go through when trying to figure out God’s will. We can always be doing God’s will when we understand it’s about loving people.

  9. Enjoyed the post. I love how we try and complicate the will of God for our lives. Personally, I think the will of God is to simply love Him. That’s it! Final. His purposes and plans for our lives come from a love relationship with the one who created us.

  10. Power and Life united! Thanks.

  11. It’s like a surprise every day learning what God has planned for me. I’m excited as He reveals what it is that He wants me to do.

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