4 Reasons the Church is Still Alive

1. Her groom.

The Church was the one organization that Jesus founded during His 33 years on earth. He set it up to triumph. He set it up to be effective until His Father returned to take us home. The bride will always be alive because Her groom will sustain Her!

2. Her purpose.

The Church’s purpose is to reach the world. That’s it! Our purpose isn’t to stay inside our walls and make each other feel better about doing nothing. Our purpose is GROWTH. The more we accomplish this purpose (through Christ), the healthier the church will get.

3. Her promise.

We are promised that the gates of Hell will NOT prevail. No matter how much of a black eye the Church gets, she will continue to live and thrive. What Jesus has birthed, nothing can destroy!

4. Her priority.

We are the lone instrument in promoting and proclaiming the Word of God. It is a priority that we be busy doing what He created us to do. All of our local churches always say we believe in the Great Commission, but do we operate by the Great Commission or by bylaws or committees? Our priority is reaching the world. Our mission is simple. God has no plan b, the church is His plan for reaching the world. We must make it our priority because we are His.

Ultimately, no matter how many punches are thrown at the Church or how many people that are self proclaimed “members” seek to destroy her, the Church is still the HOPE OF THE WORLD!


14 responses to “4 Reasons the Church is Still Alive”

  1. That is a great word brother. Point number 2 is such a needed encouragement for so many churches these days.
    Get out and save the world, leave your comfort zone!!

  2. Very well said man.

  3. Short sweet and to the point. Think you nailed it on each reason. Liked your points in no 4 – think sometimes we get so caught up planning, the doing lacks something.

    1. Very true. The plan can never overcome the purpose! Thanks, Kim!

  4. I can almost hear your brother shouting: “THE CHURCH IS STILL ALIVE!”

    1. Haha… thought about that myself!

  5. Great Blog! Love you!

  6. As long as God is interested in His glory He’s going to be intesterd in The Church, my church, your church.

    Amen, great post Jonathan!

  7. Point number one is what its all about and our foundation. Without the love of Jesus, we would come undone. He is our source and sustainer! Great post Jonathan!

  8. Very nicely put! Good post. Love stuff that encourages me this early in the morning.

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