4 Questions


in ,

1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy?

2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel?

3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL?

4. Steak or chicken?


31 responses to “4 Questions”

  1. Okay, here’s my two cents: Candy, camping unless it’s a REALLY nice 5 star hotel, http://michaelreid.net (or your blog), and big daddy gotta have that STEAK!

    1. O yeah. You’re a cow kinda man. Rare?

  2. 1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy?

    I haven’t had a soft drink in 3 years…that was easy to give up…but if you had asked coffee then that would have had been tough.

    2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel?

    hotel any day

    3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL?

    I have 88 blogs I subscribe to, so picking one is tough…it depends on what i could list in genres though

    4. Steak or chicken?

    My papaw’s steak

    1. Dang Michael! I haven;t had a soft drink in almost 20 mins… :-) It’d be tough for me.

  3. 1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy? – candy, but I have gone over a year without Diet Coke.

    2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel? – Hotel, any day! I don’t like camping and if you live in Florida, you’d understand with all the bugs and creepy crawlies.

    3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL? – https://jonathanpearson.net (and I’m not saying that because I’m trying to smooze him, it’s the only one I read regularly)

    4. Steak or chicken? – I love dead cow!!!

    1. haha.. Thanks for being faithful here, Sandy. I’m with ya on the hotel thing too! The closest I get to camping is a Motel 6!

  4. 1. Candy – stopped liking candies / chocolate for some reason…

    2. I would rather go camping.

    3. http://stepawaypastor.blogspot.com

    4. Steak!!!

  5. Love the background on your blog! Candy wouldn’t be that difficult for me either. Thanks for sharing!

  6. 1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy?

    Candy. I’ll give up my Snickers, but not my Diet Coke.

    2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel?

    Honestly, it depends on the company. I’m not much of a camper, but I can think of a handful of friends that I like enough that I’d go camping with for the time together. Otherwise, gimme room service!

    3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL?

    Patrick’s Place at http://www.patrickkphillips.com

    4. Steak or chicken?

    Outback’s Rockhampton Ribeye. Mmmm. Now I’m hungry.

    1. Long time, Patrick! Good to hear from you. Dt Coke is my thing too. Take anything….except my Dt. Coke.

  7. 1. Gee, hard choice. Probably candy…though some days I might prefer the other. I really should go without/give up both though.

    2. Hotel (haven’t been camping in years, but I used to enjoy it – we had a trailer though, can’t do the tent thing cause of a bad back).

    3. I have 4 blogs…lol. My main blog is Confirm The Work of Our Hands (http://confirmtheworkofourhands.blogspot.com). My photography blog is Shutter Bug (http://shelleyslens.blogspot.com). My writing blog is Ink Scrawls (http://inkscrawls.blogspot.com), and finally, my knitting blog is Kitten Knits Yarn (http://kittenyarnsandcrafts.blogspot.com).

    4. Steak because I don’t eat it very often. I do like chicken a lot though.

    1. Thanks for sharing the blogs with us! Appreciate you stopping by this blog too! :)

  8. 1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy?

    Soft drinks

    2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel?

    Hotel, my idea of roughing it is a hotel with no room service.

    3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL?

    Too many to choose from, if I say yours do I get a prize? ;-0

    4. Steak or chicken?

    Steak…then chicken!

  9. 1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy? —- This is a tough one but I’d have to say soft drinks. I could find other foods to satisfy my sweet tooth.

    2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel? – I like the idea of camping, but I think I actually would rather stay in a hotel. We don’t have cable TV at home so it would be a treat to stay in the hotel.

    3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL? – Mine is http://www.taterhouse.blogspot.com But a blog you should check out is Tullian Tchividjian’s blog: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tullian/

    4. Steak or chicken? – Steak.

    1. Yeah, I have a hard time giving up cable TV too! Will check out your links. Thanks man!

  10. 1. Hmmm….that’s a hard choice…I would say soft drinks because there would be acts of violence if I had to give up chocolate candy(so just kidding)
    2. Depends upon one’s definition of camping–in my RV camping wins, in a tent the hotel wins
    3. My blog is “From Tolstoy to Tinkerbell” http;//silly-bear.com
    4. Steak but only if my husband grills it…the best EVER

  11. 1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy? Candy. I need my diet coke and dr pepper.

    2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel? Hotel, I don’t do well in camping situations.

    3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL? http://organizedmama.wordpress.com/

    4. Steak or chicken?
    Steak, I love it medium rare

  12. 1. Soft drinks, nothing can replace candy.

    2. Hotel. I’m a city guy but I don’t mind camping every once in awhile.

    3. http://www.stuffchristianslike.net

    4. Steak. Had a 16oz ribeye last night. Amazing!

  13. 1. Soft drinks. I’ve already given them up except if I have an upset stomach, so that’s an easy choice.
    2. Hotel. I like a bed and shower and feeling clean– or at least I did until the media’s recent constant reminder of bed bugs…
    3. Don’t really have 1 blog off the top of my head.. usually just read ones twitter friends advertise when I have time, like this.
    4. Chicken. I don’t eat red meat.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Hope ya come back!

  14. Dustin Valencia Avatar
    Dustin Valencia

    1. Candy, easily. Cannot resist an ice cold Coke.

    2. Hotel, no question. Higher chance of wifi. :)

    3. valenciafamily.org

    4. Steak… medium. (Ribeye)

    1. haha… Like the wifi comment! AGREED! Thanks for stoppin by, Dustin!

  15. 1. Candy, mainly because, as a diabetic, I cannot have it anyhow. (I’m including diet soda & tea in “soft drinks”).

    2. Hotel, no question. A/C is mandatory, as is AC power.

    3. http://conthis.blogspot.com

    4. Chicken, though not dripping in slime, and no bones! (I’ve found that what some farms feed the cattle comes throigh into the beef & milk, and I’m allergic to it.)

    1. “A/C is mandatory” – with ya man! :)

  16. Amart62 Avatar

    Candy, hotel, http://www.Challies.com, STEAK!
    Short and sweet!

    1. I like it! Thanks man!

  17. Hi, have been following you on twitter for a while. Thought I’d say hi and give my answers.

    1. Candy – or maybe we call this sweets where I’m from.

    2. Hotel. Haven’t been camping in years, but I did used to enjoy it. But few things beat a hot shower and clean sheets.

    3. http://fearfullymade.wordpress.com/

    4. Chicken. I could probably eat chicken every day of the week.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy following you! Drop by and comment anytime!

  18. If chocolate counts as candy, then I’d have to say goodbye to soft drinks.
    Hotel for sure, though camping is great as long as there are showers nearby.
    Steak, steak, steak!

    1. Oh yeah. Chocolate would be tough to give up! Thanks for commenting man!

  19. 1. candy
    2. love to camp, but hotel
    3. http://herbhalstead.me
    4. steak

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