What to Do When You Don’t Want to Do: Struggles in spending time with God


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This post may be completely for me.
In fact, you may be able to stop reading and move to your next thing in a few lines.


If you ever don’t feel like going to church, spending alone time with God, serving others, or praying, keep reading.

You see, I’ve noticed something.
It seems like no matter how much I grow in my relationship with God, sometimes I just don’t feel like doing the things it takes to make it further.

Sometimes, I wake up and don’t feel like spending time with God.
Sometimes, my prayer time is more of a forced effort than open communication with God.
Sometimes, the bed feels good on Sunday mornings.

A few days ago, I woke up in a terrible mood.
I had an awful headache and felt like I had been beaten up during the night (I asked Melissa and she said it wasn’t her).
I had to literally fight myself to spend time with God that morning.

That afternoon, I was thinking about the situation and came to these thoughts…

What to do when you don’t feel like doing…

1. Pray: Ask God to change your attitude. If you have a growing relationship with Christ, you aren’t looking to quit loving Him, you’re just having trouble spending time with Him. That’s an attitude problem. Pray for Him to change it.

2. Begin journaling what you’re feeling: Write down why you feel in a funk. Put your feelings on paper.

3. Begin reading a favorite scripture: One of my favorite passages of scripture is Philippians 3:12-14. Reading that always gets me motivated.

4. Praise God for His past faithfulness: Something happens during genuine praise…you become less important and He becomes everything.

5. Change your routine: Pick up a different Bible translation. Pick a new place to spend time with God. Drive a different route to church. Pray for people you’ve never prayed for.

What not to do when you don’t feel like doing…

1. Give up and not do.

2. Keep doing what you’ve always done.

3. Make excuses.

4. Beat up on yourself for feeling unspiritual.

So, am I alone in this.
Do you ever just not feel like doing?

What have you found that helps?


20 responses to “What to Do When You Don’t Want to Do: Struggles in spending time with God”

  1. Jonathan, you are so not alone in this. Thank you for the encouragement that I find myself needing regarding spending time alone with God.

  2. Glad to know at least one person struggles with this occasionally. Thanks for reading and sharing, Sandy!

  3. You’re definately not alone. It’s like I tell my kids, sometimes we do things because they are the right thing and no other reason. We might not feel like it, but our feelings lie. We want an intimate relationship with our Father, that means we need to have one…period. It doesn’t mean it’s easy, that it always comes naturally, that we always feel like it. It just means you do what needs done to get there. Your list of what to do is a great one. I think the biggest one of all is to remember that no relationship flourishes without time/energy/emotion being spent on it. When we don’t feel like investing in our marriage, things are hard. When we don’t feel like investing in our children, things are hard. Likewise, when we don’t feel like investing in drawing near to the Father, things are hard. Those are the times we do hard things. Do not grow weary…

  4. Amen Kelly! No relationship can be based solely on personal ‘feelings.’ Good stuff! Thanks for reading and sharing!

  5. Unfortunately you are definitely not alone with this. I am struggling to the point of wanting to run away or turn ostrich and bury my head.
    But I always ask, at moments like this “what are you trying to teach me Lord?”
    Your what to do list is great and will most certainly be used!!

  6. Glad this helped Gary. I try to remember that God’s always working on, in, and through my life whether I see it or not. Thanks for reading and sharing!

  7. Dude..I can totally relate to this post. I’ve definitely had those days, and like you, I’ve realized that you can’t stop there. You have to ask God to move you into His presence. I’ve definitely had times where I didn’t feel like worshiping, and then God moved in a crazy way. I think the danger is getting into a routine, getting comfortable, and doing things for the sake of. I’m daily learning that, with God, there’s always something new.

    1. Exactly. It’s important that we be open to God doing something new. Thanks for reading and sharing man!

  8. Thanks for your transparency Jonathan. Moses, Jeremiah, Peter and many greats before us have felt this way. The danger comes in failing to admit to yourself when you do. Without that little arrow on the mall directory map that says “you are here” man you are lost. Blessings!

    1. Thanks for reading and for the encouragement!

  9. Unfortunately you are definitely not alone with this. I am struggling to the point of wanting to run away or turn ostrich and bury my head.
    But I always ask, at moments like this “what are you trying to teach me Lord?”
    Your what to do list is great and will most certainly be used!!

  10. You’re definately not alone. It’s like I tell my kids, sometimes we do things because they are the right thing and no other reason. We might not feel like it, but our feelings lie. We want an intimate relationship with our Father, that means we need to have one…period. It doesn’t mean it’s easy, that it always comes naturally, that we always feel like it. It just means you do what needs done to get there. Your list of what to do is a great one. I think the biggest one of all is to remember that no relationship flourishes without time/energy/emotion being spent on it. When we don’t feel like investing in our marriage, things are hard. When we don’t feel like investing in our children, things are hard. Likewise, when we don’t feel like investing in drawing near to the Father, things are hard. Those are the times we do hard things. Do not grow weary…

  11. heather Avatar

    worshipping helps first. put on some worship music that gets you going. Also, it’s ok to chat with Him in the shower, the car, etc….

  12. You’re SO not alone, Jonathan!
    I’ve already asked God so many times to help me spend time with Him, to help me make Him my priority, to help me praying. It’s not easy, but God promised us that it would be worthwhile.

    Nice post, brother!
    God bless :)

  13. Jack Avatar

    This has been my life for the past few MONTHS, a vicious downward spiral. I really don’t like going to church anymore. I keep hoping there is hope, but mostly I just feel like I’m going through the motions.

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      Your Father, hasn’t failed you. He wants nothing more than to be with you when no one is looking.

    2. Sarah Walker Avatar
      Sarah Walker

      Me too!! I was thinking last night I think that I hope that one day my relationship with God will be different.

  14. Carole Avatar

    Been there. I noticed that God always revives my love for Him by giving me a new glimpse of Him… And I really mean that. A real glimpse of His glory… The “manifest presence” kind, where He makes Himself real and tangible I some amazing way. God with me and not God up there somewhere. I think many real Christians forget that we are allowed to see Him, and really hear Him. Moses asked to see His glory and God never refused. We were born for it. When we lose the reality of His real existence and love for us, we lose interest. We really are like sheep in need of a shepherd. I have no problems telling Him how I feel and where I’m at. He has always been kind to give me a fresh glimpse of His realness and glory. I’ve discovered over the past ten years that He is safe. And extremely kind… That means slow to anger. It’s why I love Him. Because He knows me, and invites me to know Him. This is the gift of eternal life after all, not living forever (although that comes with the package), but knowing Him, the only true God and the one He sent, Jesus Christ (John 17, check it out, it’s good! Actually John 14-17 is amazing). So I don’t hesitate to ask for more knowing Him when I feel empty and unmotivated to seek Him and spend time with Him. He died for this… To reveal Himself to me and you, so that we would know Him and be known by Him…. That IS eternal life! Truly amazing. Be encouraged, and don’t feel ashamed. just know you need another dose of His glory, or maybe even your first one, and let Him awe you all over again! Cheers!

  15. Sarah Walker Avatar
    Sarah Walker

    You are not alone!! I have felt this way for several months now. Like since last summer in August of 2020. This feeling of resistance and having a hard time with anything having to do with God. And now I’m fighting not to go my own way. I talk with my parents and they are Christians and they do help. My dad well you haven’t been in a habit of spending time with God so yes it’s hard. And that’s true because I have prayed but not habitually pursued a relationship with God. But I seem to be going through the same thing day in and day out whenever I’m at home and I do have time to spend with God. My parents encourage me to go to church and pray and read the Bible. I did come out of a stronghold sin area of my life last year in the spring of 2020. I did grow up in a Christian home go to a Christian school and attend church. I had always believed. Now I’m having a hard time believing wondering if I’m even saved. I thought I wanted to pursue God. I pray for God to motivate to spend time with Him to make me sincere and willing in my heart to seek Him. If I don’t get the chance to pray during the day I pray at night before I go to bed. I just keeping thinking don’t give up. You give up now and that sets the standard for the rest of your life. “If you give up now and something else comes up that is hard are you going to give up then?.” But this has helped. Maybe don’t make it so much like a ritual. More of like free flowing prayer.

  16. Winnie Fredrick Avatar
    Winnie Fredrick

    Wheeeew!! 😀Atleast now i know I’m not alone.
    I think it’s normal and what you do after or when experiencing that sort of resistance determines how the Holy Spirit carries you through it..(the resistance) one thing is the devil is always on the lookout on when the spirit is weak and so takes a chance to drive us off our motive..
    but you said it all.. whenever the feeling comes for as hard and draining it can be let’s pick ourselves up and pray.. Our God above is always present and He sees all of it. Let’s make him proud 🥰🙌🏽 He is awesome and has Great love for us. We didn’t choose him, HE CHOSE US!

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