Having Sext

States across the country are revising their child pornography laws to adjust the punishments for what has become known as “sexting” — distributing sexual images via cell phone.

Many states have relaxed the charge, previously considered a felony, for minors because minors are making up an increasing percentage of the people charged with sexting. In many states, it is now considered a misdemeanor for minors.


This is a huge problem among teens today.

As little as five years ago, this wasn’t even an issue.
Today, thousands of teens are doing this.
What’s worse, their parents usually have no idea.
When I read that a lot of states are relaxing the charge because the majority of offenders are minors, I had to wonder if they’re looking for a solution, or less work.
Are they looking to put a stop to it, or to control judicial costs?
Am I missing something here?
Should states really be relaxing the charge for something simply because of the ages of the people doing it?
Should states be finding more suitable punishments for those that are convicted?
Your thoughts?


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