4 Ideas for Listening to God


One of the things that many Christians often struggle with is hearing from God.
There’s no fool proof method or process for hearing from God. Ultimately, it’s about knowing how He speaks to us individually.
God often reveals Himself to different people in different ways, but there are some examples in scripture to help us hear from Him more clearly.
One example is is 1 Samuel 3
Here are some key ideas from this passage on hearing from God…
  1. Samuel was still. Samuel was just laying down when God spoke to him. The beginning of 1 Samuel 3 says that it was rare in those days for people to hear from God. It’s rare today as well because we often aren’t still enough to hear.
  2. Samuel consulted someone else. Often, we underestimate what God does through other people in our lives. We’ve been built for relationship by our Creator. God often uses others to speak truth and confirmation into our lives (BTW: another reason being involved in the local church is important).
  3. Samuel knew his role. He asked God to speak to him as His servant. We are not God. We don’t always understand why or where or how, but in order to hear from God, we must understand our role. In order to hear, we must recognize our place.
  4. Samuel responded without knowing the details. This is a trend in scripture. People often respond to God without knowing the full picture. This is faith. Hearing without doing is stubbornness.


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