One With Bad Aim

I’ve always heard the saying, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” That is a true statement, but what if we took it a little further and said, “You miss 100% of the shots you do take if you have pitiful aim.”

Truth is, what we’re aiming at sometimes matters more than if we make the shot or not. What we’re aiming at determines how many shots we miss, and often how many we’ll take. Aiming and missing at the wrong thing leads to nothing but frustration and often, giving up.
We often have a hard time aiming at the right thing. Sure, most of the time we’re well intentioned, but our aim is often off. For example…
  • We aim to be better people…failing to realize why we need to be better.
  • We aim to recover from an addiction…failing to deal with whatever situation lead to the addiction.
  • We aim to stop repeating the same sin…failing to turn our focus onto the One that saved us from all sin.
  • We aim to raise Godly children…failing to represent what a child of God should look like.
  • We aim to grow our ministry…failing to remember that Jesus is the reason we do what we do.
The list could go on and on, but you get the point. Aim for what counts. Aim for the real problem. Focus on the heart. Sure, we can change our outward appearance, even our behavior for a while…but, without real life change, we’re just going to keep aiming at the wrong goal!


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