Plan and Purpose


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Starting tomorrow night, I’m gonna be speaking to our youth for a couple of weeks about the fact that God wants to use them. I think it’s a great reminder for teens, but most of us need to be reminded of this too.

God created you with a purpose. Your purpose wasn’t simply to go to work, get paid, and live your life. God created you to be active in building His kingdom and glorifying Him. If we stop to think about it, it’s quite an amazing truth.
The God that created the world from nothing wants to involve us screwed up humans in His plan. In fact, we are God’s plan for carrying His name to the world.
God used Peter to make a huge difference for Him. A guy that Jesus called out of a fisherman’s boat (Matthew 4:18-20) was eventually used to lanch the Christian Church and reach the world (Acts 2).
It’s truly amazing to think that God has purpose and a plan for us. While His plan is perfect, it’s up to us to obey and make it happen. We have choices to make about what we believe, what we spend our time on, and how we use what we have. We have a choice to do those things for Him, or allow other things to take His place.
God’s plan is perfect. God has purpose for us. Live with purpose today!


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