Look To The Future


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We are people that tend to focus on the past.  We look at the past to remember past experiences that went well.  We remember the times when “things were easier.”  We remember what has been and how good it was.  We even remember the wonderful way that things have always been.

In my experience, one of the dangers of looking at the past is that we forget the present and abandon the future.  It’s okay for us to celebrate the past, to thank God for what He did, but we can’t get so caught up in the past that we forget about what God wants to do in our present and future.
The church is no exception to this rule.  There are churches all over the world that remember how great things were in the past, while not seeing how great God wants things to be in the future. 
We have to be people of change.  We have to be people that are willing to try new things, be bold, and step out on faith.  Isn’t that what the Christian faith is about…growth?  Isn’t thatone of the reasons that we are on earth?
Don’t get caught up in the traditions that have little relevance to today and no biblical basis.  Don’t look to the past to remember victories, look towards the future and imagine the things that could be.  Be a person of progress, not satisfaction!  Push people toward the future.  Push them to new heights and new ideas.  Don’t get so caught up in the past that you forget the present and abandon the future!


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